I am on verizon and I have messed with this on verizon and sprint- the problem is this... ETF's have gone up to 350 on verizon, back when it was 250 it was not so bad- but they upped it a year or so ago. Also you generally have to wait an entire month before you can cancell the line- this may have changed when they revamped their return policy- they all used to have 30day returns so you could not cancell during the return time- you just returned it...now that, that is usualy 14days there may be some play there- either way your going to pay for 1/2 a month or a month of service- at about 35-40 bucks for that line...also if you do not get the activation fee waived that is another 35 or so bucks. So your going to pay lets say, 1 month, activation and an ETF of 23/24 (you did do 1 month of the contract and its prorated-lets say 335 so thats 405 + the contract price of the phone- new ones usually 200- so thats 605...is that better than outright buying?