On Sprint, not Verizon - no matter how much I want it, can't get it till next Wednesday/Thursday because Sprint doesn't get it til Mar 10/11 (Sprint Store/Best Buy Mobile - probably doing the latter so wife and I can get differing colors, Sprint's sticking to a single color - gunmetal, BBM will have the gold and gunmetal) - getting all my paperwork set up to preorder it and have the EasyPay stuff prepped for it though. [Well, unless Tarrant pulls me a favor, right? Kidding of course, although I am anxious to get it, I'm sure the odds without him breaking a big rule would be zero... not something I'd ever ask anyone to stick their neck out for...]
But from toying with it in store for Verizon, it's the best phone I've ever handled - but my experience is pretty limited when it comes to phones - GNexus and Nexus S for one's I've been involved in personal ownership and Galaxy S4, iPhone 3/4/5S that I've toyed with lightly borrowing from others for a few minutes at a time. It might be a bit big for a pocket though, they wouldn't let me put it in my pocket (linked display thing, might not have had the reach anyhow) but it's a LOOOOOONG phone but without having the 3DS with me to compare it FELT like it was the same length as the 3DS closed with about a third of the width, so some pants might be a bad fit for it if I'm driving because of it's size. They did NOT have the DotView case in stock nor for testing at the VZW store however, so no clue on how well the case works, I'm REALLY excited about the case though.
Oh and the bloatware doesn't seem too bad, they might add some bloat, but the power of it makes it inconsequential of an effect on it - feel was wonderful, the best of the iPhone (similar metal finish feel) and Samsung (perfectly rounded edges, no edges to the touch anywhere) when it comes to the tactile sense of it. Speakers I didn't mess with, but I'm sure they were up to snuff from how good the M7's were when I'd heard them demoed at CostCo months ago, and did snap a pic or two with the camera and it's at least an improvement to my G Nexus camera - but that is many generations back. (Also note, R/G colorblind so that's just overall picture quality, I'm not someone that can evaluate color properly)
Will give more hands on the end of next week though.