So I'm finally eligible for a phone upgrade, coming from galaxy nexus. Thank... God.... I loved this phone for maybe the first year, and then over time the battery life, and really slow performance just killed it for me. It's to the point where I'd rather not pull this phone out to look something up, because it takes 20 seconds for the keyboard to load up, another 20 seconds to see the text even loading as I type, 20 seconds for pages to load, etc.
So far I mainly have my eye on S4, HTC one, and iPhone 5 (with consideration of maybe the S coming out in the fall.) I'm curious for input from people here based on those phones. My most important factors for a new phone 1) Battery life, as a phone that dies in 5 hours is useless to me 2) how snappy the software is, as I get frustrated easily with laggy input... I want a phone where if I want to look shit up, I don't want to be saying "hang on.... Just another minute.." As far as ecosystem goes, I've enjoyed the Google ecosystem with things like music etc, but it's not a huge deal to me if I lost something like Google now.
Any input is appreciated!