Sure you will, you do realize in many states they don't even do full first name for voter rolls, right? And none require middle or additional appellations like Jr/Sr, right?
When I do my volunteering for the BOE I work at the "registration" - and 90% of the rolls are J. Doe styled with only a handful put in by full name.
In short - this is not evidence that would convince anyone that wasn't already convinced. Just like any other conspiracy theory.
Relative link:
Voter fraud in North Carolina? Not so fast | MSNBC- Not even ONE case has been found to be for sure yet, and thusfar the same types of checks have gotten false positives in large numbers before.
And another relative link:
RALEIGH: Attorney: NC photo ID wouldn't stop 2-state voting - apparently harsher Voter ID laws wouldn't have stopped a single one of these incidents....