Here's a quick master class Chef on (French pan sauce) gravy, in honor of Gravy and how happy I am he is doing better (in my mind).
Sook (Suc). It's god. Sook is the shit you leave in your pan when you cook, it's all the burnt and stuck bits of goodness. Never clean the pan, just remove the grease.
1) Degrease the pan... If it's super greasy use a paper towel, otherwise leave a bit of grease it's ok.
2) Shallots are best any aeromatic will do. Diced. Minced even. Low heat. Get the acid out of those babies. (use their moisture to loosen up the most burnt parts of sook)
3) Deglaze the pan with wine. ALWAYS use the wine you will be drinking with the meal you fucking heathen. When I say deglaze, I mean clean the mother fucker. Use a rubber spatula whatever, clean that bastard, make sure all that shit is mixed together and your pan is nice and shiny on bottom.
4) Al-Sec. Reduce the wine with heat until the pan is dried out but NOT cooking. Your shallots should be nice and purple.
5) Add stock. Chicken stock, beef stock, veal stock, veggie stock, whatever you cooked in the pan.
Reduce that bitch until NAPPE. Nappe is when you can coat the back of a spoon with your sauce but not runny or liquidy. Strain it into a clean SAUCE pan using a China Cap..err I mean a chinois.
Butter. Ice Ice Ice cold butter. This is where your sauce becomes shiny and wonderful. Do not let it separate, there is no magic. Just stir stir stir, your heat and your ability to mix determines the sauce. If it sucks, use more motion or less heat.
I'm typing this really quickly while I'm fucking cooking so if I made errors I will be back! PS This is how you make any basic fine-dining pan sauce. Herbs, seasoning, that's all up to you.