Honestly, nothing would have happened if they'd pumped money into EQ. IT WAS AN OLD GAME. People are fickle.. So many people want pretty over good. EQ could have the best gameplay mechanics ever in a game, and a subset of people would still not play it because it's ugly by today's standards.
The other problem is EQ was developed when nobody had a clue HOW to engineer a game for scalability or reasonable updates. They were shooting from the hip the entire time. I tell people this all the time.. To make major changes to EQ is an effort beyond description. Unless you've worked on EQ, and seen HOW the game gets made, you simply can't understand the difficulty of doing basically anything in the game. Simply putting an NPC into the world required entries into 7 different database tables, usually done with Excel. Before I joined the team, you couldn't export that data into the zone without preventing everyone else from doing the same thing. Here's an example.. I put a couple NPCs into a zone, and export the zone so those NPCs appear. In the early days of EQ, that export would take HOURS, sometimes DAYS to complete depending upon the amount of data involved. I'm not making excuses, just explaining how insane the game was to work on back then. The work the engineers put into making that easier over the years has been incredible. Oh, and when I first joined, if you made spell changes, and exported the spell files, NOBODY could log into the game until servers were restarted, because the system would see you had a different version of the spells file than on the system, and prevent you from logging in.
Every expansion made it even harder. People asked, "Why don't you upgrade EQ's graphics engine?" as if somehow a new engine would make the zones, character art, weapons, spells, etc update as well. EQ has over 1,000 unique zones now.. The amount of work to update it could simply never be recouped financially. Anyone remember the DX9 update? A HUGE percentage of the player base suddenly couldn't play the game at all because of performance. Granted, those people were playing on crap computers, but that's not relevant to them. One day they can play, the next day, they're getting 3-5 FPS. That's a REALLY good way for people to say, "Fuck off" and quit your game.
This is really interesting, but why couldn't more money have fixed this? I worked at a big software company where the whole front end was in VB (Cache database) and they had a designated team rewriting everything into C#. Granted it was a decade long project, but an example of how far money could go to fix these things.
This is really interesting, but why couldn't more money have fixed this? I worked at a big software company where the whole front end was in VB (Cache database) and they had a designated team rewriting everything into C#. Granted it was a decade long project, but an example of how far money could go to fix these things.
I used to taunt Daybreak/SOE for their tools and incompetence, until I stepped into industry and realized what undertaking they have to take to get things to work. It's maddening.
Yeah it all really depends. S Secrets andtyen are actually harmless but some people can't stand personalities like theirs in any way. One interaction and they are running away because why have all that drama involved.
You can also look at this forum. Several people did not want to come on over because they were very worried that we would just shut down. You don't want to get invested into an Emu and then the admin just wanders off or actively shuts it down.
I realize I'll probably never work in the industry again because of posts like this.. but I'm OK with that. There are some VERY talented people that got screwed over by con artists in management. Smed, for all the shit he takes from you guys, is a great boss to work for, and truly loves games. He unfortunately got conned by these shitbags like most of the rest of us.. Short version is I think you guys are too hard on him. Everyone wants that manager that lets you do your thing and isn't a micromanager. Smed is that guy. If he's guilty of anything it's giving people too much rope to hang themselves.
This is really interesting, but why couldn't more money have fixed this? I worked at a big software company where the whole front end was in VB (Cache database) and they had a designated team rewriting everything into C#. Granted it was a decade long project, but an example of how far money could go to fix these things.
Smed is the figurehead as the person who didn't allow EQ to compete with WoW. That's always going to be his reputation around EQ neckbeards.
At the end of the day, he was in charge of the financials for the company. He bet that EQ1 was a dying game and chased after blockbuster hits without success (because every MMO compared to WoW is a failure). Anytime you're trying to project financials, you're going to lose a lot. How many people invested everything they had into Microsoft, or Apple, or Google, Bitcoin, or generic_lotterypick_stock when they were dirt cheap and didn't diversify their portfolio? Smed is the scapegoat because he saw SOE's future as different from its present.
Smed looked at the MMO market and bet the company's money in future products in the development pipeline providing a better ROI than EQ1. If Vanguard or EQ2 or EQN or whatever had become the next WoW, he'd be heralded as a genius (though people on this board would still hate him). He doesn't deserve to be vilified for that, and people don't hate him because he isn't the Warren Buffet of gaming. Nerds rage against Smed because he tried to create the next hit MMO instead of doubling down on the 1999 hodgepodge he had in front of him.
No one here knows Smed. No one has worked for him. The worst part is that no one cares. He's just the villain who ruined EQ around these parts.
Yeah ok Smedly
Actually there are quite a few who still play EQ who truly believe if Smed had just invested in EQ1, that it would beat WoW. They're dumb, but if recent history has shown us anything, it's people will believe what they want regardless of fact.
Sounds like EQEmu is significantly less difficult to dev for than EQLive. I think it might be doable.
You should reach out to Scott, he's very approachable. Never tried to communicate with Holly.Being in software for 5 years I've ran into some of these guys like Elidroth is talking about and it always disappointed me. Every now and again you would go to a conference, vendor hall, gathering, whatever, and run into these guys thinking it was going to be the coolest thing ever but they were real turds. It doesn't surprise me when Elidroth speaks of guys using their power and position to take dumps on people's ideas, force dating situations, etc. after meeting some of them. However, I met some super people back when Diablo was just breaking through and early MMO's. It really came later, maybe 2-4 years after EQ released that a lot of these people came into power and really rained on your parade. Given I was an in-house developer for a financial institution, I loved gaming and just wanted to talk tech and geek out with some of these guys. For whatever reason, you give some people titles in the gaming circles and they really believe they're gods. I'm now a half-time director of technology at a school district and half-time game design teacher so i'm reaching out more and more to game studios to get guest speakers and resources for my classes. I have to say, Unity has really been the coolest company and connected me with really awesome people. They outfitted my entire school, and other surrounding schools, with Unity licenses at no cost, and we have a sister district at EA as we speak so i'm curious to see how those stories turn out. Anyway, my job today has brought me full circle and it's been really difficult to find people who will just talk to you like an equal or at least even fake it as a professional courtesy. Console people have been the best honestly. We had good experiences working with the division of EA that works with Simcity, Microsoft (Minecraft division), and several smaller, indie studios.
I attempted to reach out to some MMO people to see if I can get some Skype sessions with my classes but it hasn't really worked out just yet. I will say this, Holly and Hartsman are really professional and kind in their communications but I never had the nerve to just out right ask them if they had anyone that would do a little PR call for a district in Kentucky. lol