Who is Ponytail?
NM, read the rest of the thread.
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Dave Georgeson. He was the Director of EQ1/EQ2.
Who is Ponytail?
NM, read the rest of the thread.
You should reach out to Scott, he's very approachable. Never tried to communicate with Holly.
Side question, and feel free to ignore as its personal, but what district/county in KY do you teach in? I'm kind of shocked to see that someone is teaching game design in the state.
Being in software for 5 years I've ran into some of these guys like Elidroth is talking about and it always disappointed me. Every now and again you would go to a conference, vendor hall, gathering, whatever, and run into these guys thinking it was going to be the coolest thing ever but they were real turds. It doesn't surprise me when Elidroth speaks of guys using their power and position to take dumps on people's ideas, force dating situations, etc. after meeting some of them. However, I met some super people back when Diablo was just breaking through and early MMO's. It really came later, maybe 2-4 years after EQ released that a lot of these people came into power and really rained on your parade. Given I was an in-house developer for a financial institution, I loved gaming and just wanted to talk tech and geek out with some of these guys. For whatever reason, you give some people titles in the gaming circles and they really believe they're gods. I'm now a half-time director of technology at a school district and half-time game design teacher so i'm reaching out more and more to game studios to get guest speakers and resources for my classes. I have to say, Unity has really been the coolest company and connected me with really awesome people. They outfitted my entire school, and other surrounding schools, with Unity licenses at no cost, and we have a sister district at EA as we speak so i'm curious to see how those stories turn out. Anyway, my job today has brought me full circle and it's been really difficult to find people who will just talk to you like an equal or at least even fake it as a professional courtesy. Console people have been the best honestly. We had good experiences working with the division of EA that works with Simcity, Microsoft (Minecraft division), and several smaller, indie studios.
I attempted to reach out to some MMO people to see if I can get some Skype sessions with my classes but it hasn't really worked out just yet. I will say this, Holly and Hartsman are really professional and kind in their communications but I never had the nerve to just out right ask them if they had anyone that would do a little PR call for a district in Kentucky. lol
That's cool stuff man, glad to see the push to get more nerds into the practical aspects of STEM.It's no problem... with Google, it's hard for things to be too personal but I appreciate the consideration. I teach at a high performing district in Pikeville, KY (Pikeville Independent) and work with an organization in Lexington, KY as well (KySTE). We actually have a very strong presence in Kentucky in Game Design. Unity started out with three districts primarily and then Unity allowed us to go to conferences and spread the good news of Game Design. There are now several districts teaching Game Design and 2-3 programs at major Universities starting up such as Eastern Kentucky University (EKU).
Following one of my speaking engagements, a local media outlet posted an article with some of my student's work and how we are using Unity. You can read more about it here: Creating Industry Standard Games in the Classroom with Unity 5 - The Holler
What was that chick's name with the purple hair that was always hosting shit for the fan faire?Margaret Krohn
Nvm my rose tinted glasses were vastly off, i thought she was cute![]()
Again, doing all of the saving and reloading of script variables on the server or invisible NPC script controller (remember the invis NPCs in ToV? Those were script controllers). Yeah, it was janky as fuck, but it worked.
What was that chick's name with the purple hair that was always hosting shit for the fan faire?Margaret Krohn
Nvm my rose tinted glasses were vastly off, i thought she was cute![]()
Completely average to below average. The girl you’d pass over at the bar hoping for a better girl to take home.this woman?
dude she's gorgeous
Completely average to below average. The girl you’d pass over at the bar hoping for a better girl to take home.
did you see her wrinkly elbows YUCK absolutely disgusting 0/10 would not bang #eliottrodgerCompletely average to below average. The girl you’d pass over at the bar hoping for a better girl to take home.
I think you probably know my views on some of the developers and stuff that worked on EQ2. I feel like I was pretty open with my opinions on some people just doing a poor job and some questionable design choices.I realize I'll probably never work in the industry again because of posts like this.. but I'm OK with that. There are some VERY talented people that got screwed over by con artists in management. Smed, for all the shit he takes from you guys, is a great boss to work for, and truly loves games. He unfortunately got conned by these shitbags like most of the rest of us.. Short version is I think you guys are too hard on him. Everyone wants that manager that lets you do your thing and isn't a micromanager. Smed is that guy. If he's guilty of anything it's giving people too much rope to hang themselves.
this woman?
dude she's gorgeous
That was my experience with her as well. I'm of the opinion that she's nothing special looks wise though, just an average chick that stands out a little because she does thing like dye her hair.I met her on several occasions and she was always super nice.
That was my experience with her as well. I'm of the opinion that she's nothing special looks wise though, just an average chick that stands out a little because she does thing like dye her hair.