Yeah, I was. I played both betas and bought both games. I was on the FOH forums then, also.Were you in both betas? Wow was superior in progress. Eq2 actually got worse from beta to gold In every way.
(Pats Gecko on the head)The original EQ coding team did amazing things.
I'm surprised you have this opinion than. My memory is definitely foggy but I still remember how much more fluid wow ran as opposed to eq2.Yeah, I was. I played both betas and bought both games. I was on the FOH forums then, also.
He is talking about Raid splits with MC and server issues that ran through Christmas and into 2005. We were all credited with free game time. What he doesn't understand is that this was an excusable anomaly this time around because no one knew how wildly successful this game was going to be. I ran into one broken quest the entire time I was playing through Vanilla... ONE. Coming from EQ with games shipping half complete and unfinished loot tables/broken everything every expansion launch, and a half finished DAOC, this game was an MMORPG'ers wet dream being that the actual content worked, the UI was fluid, the animations were above excellent, and it was fun to play.I'm surprised you have this opinion than. My memory is definitely foggy but I still remember how much more fluid wow ran as opposed to eq2.
Circumstantially successful at the time.. easy to quit within a couple weeks now.He is talking about Raid splits with MC and server issues that ran through Christmas and into 2005. We were all credited with free game time. What he doesn't understand is that this was an excusable anomaly this time around because no one knew how wildly successful this game was going to be. I ran into one broken quest the entire time I was playing through Vanilla... ONE. Coming from EQ with games shipping half complete and unfinished loot tables/broken everything every expansion launch, and a half finished DAOC, this game was an MMORPG'ers wet dream being that the actual content worked, the UI was fluid, the animations were above excellent, and it was fun to play.
I've made the point multiple times the combat system was completely terrible for EQ2. I've also said today and in 04/05 that if they had cut and pasted EQs combat system on top of EQ2 the game would have been an order of magnitude better.I'm surprised you have this opinion than. My memory is definitely foggy but I still remember how much more fluid wow ran as opposed to eq2.
I agree. It was fun because it was well designed. EQ2 was not. That isn't the programmers fault, which was my simple point but leadership and design.Wow succeeded because it wasfun. Plain and simple. something that SoE never could figure out. Maybe because folks at SoE ware never truly "gamers"?
It's pretty clear from your posts that you have played neither game. Or, if you did, you are simply too stupid to make viable judgements about either.I've made the point multiple times the combat system was completely terrible for EQ2. I've also said today and in 04/05 that if they had cut and pasted EQs combat system on top of EQ2 the game would have been an order of magnitude better.
No it wouldn't have been. Until the EoF expansion even had they had a combat system similar to EQ (Which sounds really ridiculous since EQ's combat sstem was outdated by this time) it was still an uninspired world with itemization and gear that didn't mean anything, group XP penalties, horrible animations, clunky UI, horrible engine optimization, and a large empty world with pluck off packs of mobs doing nothing but standing there lifeless - along with awful art for player characters and NPC's alike and a randomly generated overlands given zone names without any hand crafting aside from randomly placed POI's which also held no bearing on the lore of the game.I've made the point multiple times the combat system was completely terrible for EQ2. I've also said today and in 04/05 that if they had cut and pasted EQs combat system on top of EQ2 the game would have been an order of magnitude better.
Stick and dick is outstanding combat?Actually, I liked the graphics and the UI. I did hate the zones and the animations left a lot to be desired, but for me the biggest problem was the combat and grouping mechanics, especially coming to EQ2 after playing AC2 and DAOC both of which had oustanding combat.
You are clueless. WoW succeeded SOLELY on the backs of Blizzard's engineers and animators. The game engine is the best in the business. That's it. The game designers were carried along for the ride. You replace them with monkeys with keyboards, which is what most of the WoW design team is anyway, and you still get a game that 'feels fun' (which means the engine) and sells all those boxes.![]()
I'm sure your detailed knowledge of the programmers at SOE and Blizzard is extensive. I'd actually say the programmers at SOE did far more given the terrible design document EQ2 had.
Reading comprehension for the win, or at least substantiate your troll.
This is an amazingly ignorant statement.You are clueless. WoW succeeded SOLELY on the backs of Blizzard's engineers and animators. The game engine is the best in the business. That's it. The game designers were carried along for the ride. You replace them with monkeys with keyboards, which is what most of the WoW design team is anyway, and you still get a game that 'feels fun' (which means the engine) and sells all those boxes.
I'd love to know where you and Draegan pull out the 50k number for EQ3. I know it's from someone's ass, but I'd like to exactly whose.EQ3 would have been a massive waste of money after some thought. You don't sell a game off 50,000 subs.
Which they cannot make correctly.In regard to eq3. They obviously thought it was a good idea at the time. I'm sure they had an idea on number of subs. They were pushing ahead for 2 years until they decided to go after the lol crowd, which is massive. I get the thought, but saying only 50k is retarded. Eq3 would have made them plenty of money if the game was made correctly.