SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
EQNext is a fundamental misunderstanding of their MMORPG playerbase. In terms of tech improvements, MMO players just wanted more dynamic mobs, perhaps a bit better interactivity with the environment then current MMOs allow (say the ability for a rogue to climb a wall to break into a castle) and of course more appealing graphics then EQ or EQII.

Nobody was asking for EQcraft the MMO for the very simple reason that when we thought about it for more than a vodka-fueled weekend that EQcraft the MMORPG wouldn't work very wall on the scale of an MMO. It's like the old American Folk Song: How Many Giant Dongs Must be Built in a Game Before You Can Call it a Day?

With respect to the first or second vision of EQ3 I believe there is a Smed or Butler interview where they admit it was basically EQI with better graphics, which though not my ideal game, would have been much better than the current mess and would either be in beta or full on operational now.

Giant dongs?

Anyway you're mostly right. I think a game like landmark could do well, the problem is it is now associated with the EQ IP and its associated baggage, for better or for worse. Everquest conjures up a fairly specific idea of challenging group based PvE, raiding content, and dungeons. Landmark would probably be much better off divorced from the themes of eq and creating its own art style, themes, etc (like some dumb ass steampunk shit or something), likewise EQ would have been better off uninhibited by the constraints of ramming square shaped voxels into a round mmo shaped hole. I feel your chart is accurate. What happened is they took a smattering of all things popular, Minecraft, mobas, and MMOs, and said "how do we make this into one uber game?" Think about it, after shit-canning the 3rd iteration of EQN, I imagine they were sitting around spitballing ideas onto a dry-erase board and someone said "I got a cool idea, know what the kids like today? Minecraft, so, what if we... you know, put that in there?" Its like a room of 60 year old men trying to pitch the next big hit TV show for tween girls.

They had the dusty old EQ IP just sitting there, for free, with a built in framework of lore, themes, races, ideas etc to work off of (read as: principally disregard), with a built in-fanbase, built in brand awareness, and the ability to tout it as "The franchise which started it all!!" etc and just applied it to something which is so removed from Everquest that it works toward the detriment of both Landmark (which they later removed the EQ title from, too late though) and EQN.

Lets be honest, if the sacrosanct setting of Norrath was not associated with either title, I doubt we'd be paying that much attention.

tl;dr version


  • Columbus Nova is a US company comprised entirely of US citizens. The capital they used to purchase this company was generated from investment in US equity
  • Neither Columbus Nova nor Daybreak Games would be affected by ANY sanctions on Ukraine/Russia imposed by the US State Department
  • We (Daybreak Games) were responsible for the size and scope of the layoffs
  • Nobody from Columbus Nova is going to post in this subreddit, ever
  • Columbus Nova is not making games. Daybreak is making games.
  • Columbus Nova's involvement in the game making process can be summed up as: "Please give us a good return on our investment"
  • Our development team is now approximately the size of the H1Z1 development team. They have done amazing things in
    a very short period of time. Expect the same from us
Source: PS2 Subreddit

Also, the seeds of aPS2 Emulator. I don't think they'll break any world records but still pretty impressive.

And being DDOS'd byLizardSquad.H1Z1 Down.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
What else did you think was going to get built everywhere in a Minecrafty MMO?
Sorry, I've been up for about 28 hours at this point, I'm deliriously tired, and when I read your post I was actually like "there's a folk song about giant dongs, what?"


Elisha Dushku
Sorry, I've been up for about 28 hours at this point, I'm deliriously tired, and when I read your post I was actually like "there's a folk song about giant dongs, what?"
Just a riff on "How many roads must a man walk down, before you can call him a man" and etc.

But I think we can all agree: there should be a folk song about giant dongs.

Anyway, I think you can summarize your post above with the following:

Gentlemen, I present to you EQNext, the MMO of the future, every future:



Silver Knight of the Realm
I've never heard anything bad said about her, but who knows.
After working with the EQ2 Dev team for so long, i can say that what they say about her is basically she is JUST a leader; she doesn't really understand the mechanics/what to do too deeply but she can lead a team and get them going.


Silver Squire
I don't think any SOE creation will be able to tingle my dingleberries quite as hard as EQ did in '99, to my seventh grade brain.


Mr. Poopybutthole
After working with the EQ2 Dev team for so long, i can say that what they say about her is basically she is JUST a leader; she doesn't really understand the mechanics/what to do too deeply but she can lead a team and get them going.
Sometimes these are the best leaders, if they just clear the way for the people who know what they're doing rather than bogging them down or throwing up road blocks at every turn.


Trakanon Raider
Best leaders are the one who get the most out of their people and everyone comes in wanting to do well for them. It's the ones who know, or think they know, everything are the ones who stifle their employees and make the work environment a literal hell.

My first job was writing automation scripts for a bank to eliminate sending out techs to three different states to install software. I had a VP over me that just knew everything and my immediate supervisor was nonconfrontational. Getting micromanaged sucks... being trusted and encouraged to do your best is a lot better.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I hope she does well. I agree with nothing bad to say about her is the best thing we could hear.

We(guild) won't ever play current / live eq1 again, but I'd screw around on another TLP server and I still play semi casually for a progression guild on Trakanon for giggles. Ldon fix, etc with a few 65s.


Don't know the programmer, but my guess is they are cleaning out all the possible taint that could have been caused by being led and learning bad habits from such shit management.

I would do the same. Clean the house.
You wound me sir!

It's possible they're looking to hire another programmer after the layoffs, but I'm fairly certain that's just an old position (we were looking to bring on another programmer before the Daybreak business) and the company name was changed before the position was officially closed.


Trakanon Raider
I think right now would be a perfect time for TLP server or some type of classic/progression server. Just to generate a little bit of momentum and energy.

EQII needs something... why they keep moving forward and leaving so much unaddressed i'll never understand


2 Minutes Hate
Is there enough people playing those old games to generate any momentum? I mean the gaming community at large has really forgotten those games or never knew they existed.


Potato del Grande
What EQ and the franchise only ever needed was for SOE to figure out a way to make one game that wasn't a pile of shit. It's sad that the best way for SOE to move forward has always been to move backward and reset their 15 year old game. Now they finally get sold and a classic server is the best people can suggest the new company does moving forward?

The worst thing is it won't surprise me when that's exactly what Daybreak does. Give the EQ franchise CPR and turn it into FanFaire at Bernie's before selling off the IP and assets.

Or screw the 15 year old games... maybe they'll re-launch Vanguard!!!


EQOA Refugee
Is there enough people playing those old games to generate any momentum? I mean the gaming community at large has really forgotten those games or never knew they existed.
Looks like they forgot to fire some of those great marketing dept people. It's almost criminal how bad SOE's marketing dept is.