Sports writer kills himself, leaves behind website describing how and why


Unelected Mod
bullshit courses
I only took 4 classes that weren't either mathematics, physics or computer science. I think my biggest bullshit course was a class on technical writing. My final project was a technical manual I made on a made-up piece of equipment (a deyurter crane attachment, for forcibly removingyurtsfrom recalcitrant nomads ), A+.

The two philosophy classes I took (philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics) were pretty interesting, though super easy compared to any other class I took.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I've got 3 majors and over 100 credit hours and the only "philosophy" course I've taken is logic, thankfully.

The only "bullshit" courses I've got are an introduction to computers class that was a requirement at the community college that I could have tested out of but took the easy A in instead, and an introductory communications course I had to take as a prerequisite to public speaking, which was a requirement for graduation in science majors.

A buddy of mine took a history of rock and roll course, I can't conceive of wasting the time and money to take a course on the history of rock and roll. I could probably recite most of that history rote from memory, at least once you move into the middle 60s and beyond.
And Dumar is still owning you


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Dumar is owning only in a particular metaphysics. That metaphysics suck, breaks the very rule which he sets for himself, and thus complete shit.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
And Dumar is still owning you
Gonna need some citation on that one.

Peer reviewed.

I only took 4 classes that weren't either mathematics, physics or computer science. I think my biggest bullshit course was a class on technical writing. My final project was a technical manual I made on a made-up piece of equipment (a deyurter crane attachment, for forcibly removingyurtsfrom recalcitrant nomads ), A+.

The two philosophy classes I took (philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics) were pretty interesting, though super easy compared to any other class I took.
I have to take a history of anthropological theory class at some point.

also lol'd at deyurter crane


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

First Genetic Evidence That Humans Choose Friends With Similar DNA
The discovery that friends are as genetically similar as fourth cousins has huge implications for our understanding of human evolution, say biologists

The study of social networks has long shown that people tend to pick friends who are similar to them. But now it turns out the connection goes much deeper than that- our friends are also genetically similar to us.

At least that's the conclusion of Nicholas Christakis at Yale University in New Haven and James Fowler at University of California, San Diego.

These guys have studied the genomes of almost 2000 Americans and found that those who are friends also share remarkable genetic similarities compared with those who are strangers. "Pairs of friends are, on average, as genetically similar to one another as fourth cousins," they say.

That's a fascinating result that raises some interesting questions. Most obviously: how come?

One possibility is that the people in the sample set are all distantly related. The genomes in question all come from the Framingham Heart Study, a well-known dataset associated with people on the east coast of the US who are generally white and of European ancestry. Perhaps the genetic links are simply a reflection of this common background.

Not so, say Christakis and Fowler. The correlation they have found exists only between friends but not between strangers. If this was a reflection of their common ancestry, then the genomes of strangers should be correlated just as strongly. "Pairs of (strictly unrelated) friends generally tend to be more genetically homophilic than pairs of strangers from the same population," they point out.

There are certainly other processes that could lead to friends having similar genomes. One idea that dates back some 30 years is that a person's genes causes them to seek out circumstances that are compatible with their phenotype. If that's the case, then people with similar genes should end up in similar environments.

That makes sense. "If one individual builds a fire because he feels cold in the same circumstances as the other, both benefit," say Christakis and Fowler.

What's more, this idea may not only apply to the physical environment but also to the social environment. So people with similar genes may end up in similar social groups too.

Both of these factors make it more likely that your friends will have similar genes. But nobody has gathered evidence for this until now.

There may be another mechanism at work. One idea is that humans can somehow identify people with similar genetic make up, perhaps with some kind of pheromone detector. Indeed, Christakis and Fowler say that some of the genes they found in common are related to olfaction, a discovery they describe as "intriguing and supportive".

Whatever the cause, the discovery that our friends are genetically similar to us has significant implications. "The subtle process of genetic sorting in human social relationships might have an important effect on a number of other biological and social processes," say Christakis and Fowler.

For example, germs, viruses and even information may spread more (or less) easily amongst groups that share a particular genetic background.

More significantly, this may be the first evidence that our social environment is an evolutionary force that can influence our genetic make up. And if so, we may have evolved a predeliction to choose friends who are similar to us once we started to interact socially with other people who are unrelated.

That's an important process that would especially speed up the evolution of phenotypes that cooperate well, say Christakis and Fowler.

There are caveats of course. This research will be controversial and others will want to be sure that Christakis and Fowler have not misinterpreted their data.

The research will be hard to reproduce. The Framingham Heart Study is unique in that it is a large database that includes both genetic data and friendship links. Christakis and Fowler acknowledge that there is no other like it.

But if the result is widely accepted it will be hugely influential.

One of the big mysteries associated with the development of human capabilities is that our evolution appears to be accelerating. After billions of years of relatively slow change, it created the marvel that is the human brain and consciousness, in the metaphorical blink of an eye.

Christakis and Fowler end their paper with the tantalising speculation their discovery may shed light on this mysterious process of acceleration that has produced the wonder of complex reasoning and consciousness.
Oh but its reductionist to show that genetics influences even social organization.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
i bullshitted my way through the philosophy course, man (Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes...yeah..classics and they are shit...not THE shit....just shit...) At that time, I was a pretty gung-ho liberal Batista. I thought it was, "cool" but then i grew up
Aren't you like a 25 year old virgin?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
trollface, are you telling us that you have never made love to a woman?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He's an asian guy living in Canada. Asking him if he's ever gotten any pussy is like asking a camel if its ever made a snow angel.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I am just busy getting my life back together after a few years of shitty bundle. That and I was a devout Christian for the most of my life, so yeah. getting out of each stage has been tough for me. will see, eh.


I am just busy getting my life back together after a few years of shitty bundle. That and I was a devout Christian for the most of my life, so yeah. getting out of each stage has been tough for me. will see, eh.
Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Every negative thing I've said about you... just forget that shit. Come down to Montreal, we'll have us a good time and we'll get you laid, gosh darn it. No wonder you have no perspective on anything... And the whole "anti feminist" stance... it all makes sense now! Shit, bro, we need to get you some pussy!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Drawing isomers and resonance structures makes my head hurt.

9 fucking isomers for C3H6O. Blegh.


Trakanon Raider
He's an asian guy living in Canada. Asking him if he's ever gotten any pussy is like asking a camel if its ever made a snow angel.
The fuck? Decent looking asian guys do alright. Us white and asian Canadians have a deal going on where we just trade our women back and forth. It seems to work for both sides. And then both of us send the fat ones off to the black guys. Everyone wins.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its just a small asian penis joke covered in a layer of obscurity bro. That's all.


The fuck? Decent looking asian guys do alright. Us white and asian Canadians have a deal going on where we just trade our women back and forth. It seems to work for both sides. And then both of us send the fat ones off to the black guys. Everyone wins.
Fuck you for making me LOL.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
The fuck? Decent looking asian guys do alright. Us white and asian Canadians have a deal going on where we just trade our women back and forth. It seems to work for both sides. And then both of us send the fat ones off to the black guys. Everyone wins.
win. lately, I've been following joe rogan, links which famm provided. i explored some more. It's been pretty awesome.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Every negative thing I've said about you... just forget that shit. Come down to Montreal, we'll have us a good time and we'll get you laid, gosh darn it. No wonder you have no perspective on anything... And the whole "anti feminist" stance... it all makes sense now! Shit, bro, we need to get you some pussy!
Yeah this guy totally sounds like he gets laid all. the. time.

gosh darn it


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Every negative thing I've said about you... just forget that shit. Come down to Montreal, we'll have us a good time and we'll get you laid, gosh darn it. No wonder you have no perspective on anything... And the whole "anti feminist" stance... it all makes sense now! Shit, bro, we need to get you some pussy!
no, you are a shit face. you are the worst scum i've ever come across on net and that's saying something. That is something that's never gonna change. Be glad I even gave you a response. Go back to fucking your waifu.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
bro but he is totally gonna get you pussy.

come over to his house, he will google "hookers in montreal" to figure out where he needs to go. and then the two of you will cruise up and down Rue martin luther king dr (every city has one) in his honda fit, leering at every pedestrian and trying to figure out if they are a hoe. just some effete liberal and his young asian boy companion looking for poon.