Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


So because I'm not addressing your strawman and discussing an entirely different point I'm the one missing the point. This is why I left for a couple of months.
There is no straw man. You don't even understand what that means.

I am not discussing whether the game will ship or whether this is a scam. I am saying that where a company, any company, gets their money from matters a ton. Both for the company and the consumer. You can deny that all you want but this is reality when it comes to business.

So you have a public company and a private company. They have a product they want to make. Okay are you following so far? They start the process of making it and things aren't going well. Now in a private company the board will get involved or whomever their leadership is. They will demand changes and set deadlines. Now a public company has the shareholders that put the pressure on.

Now here is the issue, crowdfunding is a new concept that kind of meets both criteria without any of the legal benefits involved in either. People are confused on what their rights are. They have rights to say a product isn't being delivered just like any other product from any other company, there is a contract involved. Now they think their rights extend further but that is a grey area.

Do you understand all of this? These are facts, reality, and something you cannot question. The process and legalities are solid.

What you are trying to do is distract by claiming that if we discuss anything it is only because we are haters. You should be having these same discussions though as a consumer whether you like the game or not.

Okay I know you don't agree with that so let us switch to the promised product and its delivery. If you kick started a physical product that promised time travel and you paid for it you would have the right to complain if you never leave your current time. Your recourse would be to ask for a refund, it doesn't matter how easy or hard time travel is. They promised and they did not deliver. Due to the nature of kick starter they would not be the ones to ensure that you get your money. It would be the company wanting to keep their good name out of the mud. They don't have to refund you but if they don't there might be a fraud investigation, there might not.

RSI has transcended all of this to a level never seen before and people are starting to look at it that aren't invested at all. People are watching to see the precedent it will set for crowd funding in the future. It will make an impact. Let's pretend they announce tomorrow that they just ran out of money and are shutting down. What will happen? What does that mean for future products and consumer safety?

We aren't straw manning, we are actually discussing the reality of what this all means. You just can't understand it so assume it's some straw man about SCO being vapor ware or whatever. You couldn't be more wrong.


Vyemm Raider
With Chris Roberts at the helm, SC should've been a mobile game. Without the leash of strict hardware limitations to rein him in he's like a frothing kid in a candy shop.


Useless lazy bastard.
Way to obfuscate and miss the point entirely. This is why we can't have nice things.

1) Get money for project based on X -> Fail development doing the best you can to develop X = OK, shit happens.

2) Get money for project based on X -> Change development to Y and Z and not offer to refund people who funded development for X -> Shady possibly illegal use of other peoples money in most buisness dealings.

3) Get money for project based on estimated delivery at time X -> Fail to deliver at time X but delivering within a month or two = Fine with most consumer laws.

4) Get money for project based on estimated delivery at time X -> Fail to deliver at time X and 2 years later stating that "we will not provide ETA for delivery anymore" and change TOS to "as long as we say we are developing you have to wait" = Cause for refund under consumer laws in the UK, EU, Australia and probl several other places.

What point are you making that I dont get? I am perfectly aware I could have missed the point and missunderstand what you want to point out.


No you people are just being man children and fucking trolling me again. Nobody is that fucking dense.

I made my point crystal clear and addressed a specific aspect of how laws and their interpretation don't realistically reflect game development and how that stifles the games industry thereby hurting everyone and gave a direct example. It goes far beyond SC and I brought that point up to.

The fact that I have to sit here and explain this simple concept yet again is just annoying and I suspect that's part of your point. Some people just like to twist a knife and watch the reaction.

The reason why I refuse to directly address your bullshit arguments yet again is because I did that like 100 fucking pages ago sometime last year and done it again sometime more recently before I left. Not just me but at least one other person. You people already read it, responded to it, and dismissed it outright as if reality doesn't fucking cling to you. You ignored the other person because you don't want to accidentally offend them but feel no such concerns with me so you turn every attempt at discussion into a fucking poo flinging contest.

This time I'm not taking the bait.

Consider your stupid points asked and answered.


Useless lazy bastard.
I made my point crystal clear and addressed a specific aspect of how laws and their interpretation don't realistically reflect game development and how that stifles the games industry thereby hurting everyone and gave a direct example. It goes far beyond SC and I brought that point up to.
Edit: It was a bit much, I just dont agree with your point since it makes no sense to me at all. Lets just agree that we disagree regarding this.


Yeah you are totally wrong and nothing from you is crystal clear. Just because a game company had an issue with quadrupeds means nothing at all.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So...I downloaded the client. Logged into my hanger, dicked around and found out how to get my ship to come up. Sat down in the pilot's chair and could not figure out how to get out of it. Then I tried to do the Battle Royale thing, and apparently my ship is awful for that. Is that pretty much all you can do now? Is the only way to get new ships to purchase them? I was kind of hoping for Privateer the MMO, but if the object is to Pay-2-Win ship upgrades to compete in small-scale ship-to-ship battles...meh, does not excite me.


So...I downloaded the client. Logged into my hanger, dicked around and found out how to get my ship to come up. Sat down in the pilot's chair and could not figure out how to get out of it. Then I tried to do the Battle Royale thing, and apparently my ship is awful for that. Is that pretty much all you can do now? Is the only way to get new ships to purchase them? I was kind of hoping for Privateer the MMO, but if the object is to Pay-2-Win ship upgrades to compete in small-scale ship-to-ship battles...meh, does not excite me.
What ship do you have? Not all ships are meant to be dog fighting power houses. But the ones that aren't tend to have some other utility. The game is meant to have ships used for things other than fighting since those roles will exist once they are implemented. Trading/Scavenging/Mining etc. That does not mean that if you aren't really good you can't take people out with an inferior fighting ship. There is a famous video out there from last year where an Aurora pilot wiped the floor with basically everyone and did so continuously for like 10min. Granted the Aurora was slightly nerfed after that but so were a lot of ships.

Balancing is an ongoing thing and ship lines like the Aurora, 300 series and some others are going through a revamp that's not implemented yet. They should trickle in over the summer. Shield/Armor/Weapon balance is still in its early life in terms of balancing because they had to fudge the numbers (guess) and had no tool to properly automatically calculate physics/energy for weapons. They have a first pass of that tool now so that's one major reason all ships are going through a major balance pass this year. The game is in Alpha so nothing is set in stone. A lot of ships are about to go through a complete revamp this year as many were created before the new item port system that lets designers better implement internal hardware, better tools for building the ships with more detail for less memory cost, new damage states with 1/10th the memory cost etc was done.

Also what version are you talking about? In 2.4 you don't log into your hangar anymore by default. Arena Commander "Battle Royale" is just a place to fly around in and test your ship/skill vs NPCs and players. That's not the game. That's a simulation within the game. The game currently takes place in the Crusader system with one major planet, with up to about 50 players in any area you can directly visit (on the ground), a couple of space stations and dozens of points of interest for quests/investigation/exploration around the system (player limit here is far more limited right now due to performance). You however cannot exit your Hangar and fly out. The hangar currently exists in a virtual space connected to Crusader. Your primary means of getting around is via the elevator. That should allow you to go to the major areas and find even more things to do.

The game is still in Alpha so major features haven't been implemented yet such as Mining/Scavenging/NPCs with AI, capital ships or even a fully complete star system. And they won't for a while. If you are looking for a complete Privateer Online experience it's going to be a longer wait. Nobody has an ETA on when they will implement those systems but best guess is most of them will end up going in one way or another sometime later this year.

This game is not like a Beta from a major publisher that had the game in full development for 4-7 years before even announcing it so it's going to look raw. Don't listen to the negative people here for advice as many either never played it, logged into it a year or two ago or they are just Tall Poppy cutters. There are a ton of resources on the official forums and even a chat system on the site where you can ask for help.

If you have a specific question I can try and help you find an answer as best I can.


Be an asshole to me. Don't fucking mislead other people.

You can make that comment when the game is considered launched/failed or whatever comes at the end.
Says the guy trying to mislead everyone in this thread ...

The guy that doesn't know basic business investment practices or consumer protection laws.


Golden Knight of the Realm
What ship do you have? Not all ships are meant to be dog fighting power houses. But the ones that aren't tend to have some other utility. The game is meant to have ships used for things other than fighting since those roles will exist once they are implemented. Trading/Scavenging/Mining etc. That does not mean that if you aren't really good you can't take people out with an inferior fighting ship. There is a famous video out there from last year where an Aurora pilot wiped the floor with basically everyone and did so continuously for like 10min. Granted the Aurora was slightly nerfed after that but so were a lot of ships.

Balancing is an ongoing thing and ship lines like the Aurora, 300 series and some others are going through a revamp that's not implemented yet. They should trickle in over the summer. Shield/Armor/Weapon balance is still in its early life in terms of balancing because they had to fudge the numbers (guess) and had no tool to properly automatically calculate physics/energy for weapons. They have a first pass of that tool now so that's one major reason all ships are going through a major balance pass this year. The game is in Alpha so nothing is set in stone. A lot of ships are about to go through a complete revamp this year as many were created before the new item port system that lets designers better implement internal hardware, better tools for building the ships with more detail for less memory cost, new damage states with 1/10th the memory cost etc was done.

Also what version are you talking about? In 2.4 you don't log into your hangar anymore by default. Arena Commander "Battle Royale" is just a place to fly around in and test your ship/skill vs NPCs and players. That's not the game. That's a simulation within the game. The game currently takes place in the Crusader system with one major planet, with up to about 50 players in any area you can directly visit (on the ground), a couple of space stations and dozens of points of interest for quests/investigation/exploration around the system (player limit here is far more limited right now due to performance). You however cannot exit your Hangar and fly out. The hangar currently exists in a virtual space connected to Crusader. Your primary means of getting around is via the elevator. That should allow you to go to the major areas and find even more things to do.

The game is still in Alpha so major features haven't been implemented yet such as Mining/Scavenging/NPCs with AI, capital ships or even a fully complete star system. And they won't for a while. If you are looking for a complete Privateer Online experience it's going to be a longer wait. Nobody has an ETA on when they will implement those systems but best guess is most of them will end up going in one way or another sometime later this year.

This game is not like a Beta from a major publisher that had the game in full development for 4-7 years before even announcing it so it's going to look raw. Don't listen to the negative people here for advice as many either never played it, logged into it a year or two ago or they are just Tall Poppy cutters. There are a ton of resources on the official forums and even a chat system on the site where you can ask for help.

If you have a specific question I can try and help you find an answer as best I can.
I have an Aurora, and I could not find the Crusader stuff. I found the elevator, and accessed the keypad on it, but there did not seem to be anything to do from there.


what Suineg set it to
E&B was great, had lots of fun playing as a TE (and PW for Red Dragon stuff) on An-drama-da.
Yea E&B was great, it was a victim of the usual EA bullshit - poor planning, poor support and poor advertisement. I played a JD, had all the stacked AS stuff/trinkets, full 200% GD IX lasers with the two raid drop special ones (Ten'Gu dropped one before they removed it, honestly can't remember where the other was, maybe RD carrier) and the only Cygnus IX reactor ever to have known to dropped... I always loved how they didn't realize how stacking AS additively meant outrageous multiplicative growth for DPS until like 8 months later, lol.

Like seriously people would post on the forums "Devs, 25% of normal reload speed is 400% DPS" and they'd go "no that's not how math works" over and over. Felt like the EQ2 forums.