Star Trek Beyond (2016)


Vyemm Raider
Doubling down on terrible use of anachronistic song.

How can the Enterprise ever go on missions when it's constantly being rebuilt?

EDIT: I guess the first movie it made it out okay. Aside from stress fractures across the entire ship.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
lol Goddamn I am 55 and I swear I am 50% as crotchety as some of you guys. The last Star Trek film pulled an 87/90 on Rotten Tomatoes. 90% of 309K reviews, it could not have been nearly as bad as some of you sour fucks said it was.


Trakanon Raider
Song was used in the first movie when young Kirk stole his step dad's car.

I just rewatched both reboot movies in the last two weeks. I'll agree that they're not TOS or TNG, but who gives a fuck. These movie are fun and funny. The cast works great together and Karl Urban is awesome in these.

Ship getting destroyed will fit with the ST3 theme. Only sad there's not Klingons.


Bronze Squire
Both the reboot movies are very good sci-fi action popcorn flicks, but they are barely Star Trek.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Explosions, Explosions, Explosions, Explosions, Beastie Boys, and over the top combat. I wonder if this film with complete the devolution of Star Trek into a brain dead action franchise. Oh well, at least it should be a good popcorn movie.
This. Maybe I'm a nerd puritan that was weaned from the breast on the original series, but fuck I hate this reboot universe. They're just the typical epilepsy inducing CGI overload where you can't even enjoy it because no human brain was designed to process that much fucking lens flare and 1000 simultaneously moving objects at once. Star Trek space combat used to be about wits and strategy wrapped up in a "naval" type battle format that exuded tension and anticipation. For instance the battles in Star Trek II or the famous Romulan hunting episode of the original series. Now unless you're fucking hyped on a double dose of Adderall and able to drop the frame rate by 50%, it's just one big pyrotechnic rainbow abortion in space. Sigh.


Trakanon Raider
I like most of the actors well enough, or at least Scotty, Bones, and Spock. And it looks like it will have ok CGI and action scenes.
..However I am a star trek fanboi and this breaks my heart. If it was called anything other than star trek I could enjoy it as a popcorn flick, but I'm just too salty.

Fuck reboots when their is already an entire universe to build a new movie around. such lazy bullshit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This. Maybe I'm a nerd puritan that was weaned from the breast on the original series, but fuck I hate this reboot universe. They're just the typical epilepsy inducing CGI overload where you can't even enjoy it because no human brain was designed to process that much fucking lens flare and 1000 simultaneously moving objects at once. Star Trek space combat used to be about wits and strategy wrapped up in a "naval" type battle format that exuded tension and anticipation. For instance the battles in Star Trek II or the famous Romulan hunting episode of the original series. Now unless you're fucking hyped on a double dose of Adderall and able to drop the frame rate by 50%, it's just one big pyrotechnic rainbow abortion in space. Sigh.
I guess I don't get the nostalgia of Starfleet always hitting the win button in every situation.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Yeah, and the act of destroying the entire planet of Vulcan was fucking heresy too. There's a reboot, then there's shitting on something that is integral to Star Trek, which was Vulcan. During the 1st reboot movie I just sat there mouth agape astounded that they chose to do that of all possible story ideas for a reboot. It was like a big "fuck you" to the entire universe. That and turning the Enterprise into the equivalent of an X-wing fighter in terms of maneuverability.


Vyemm Raider
Bones was of course the best part of the trailer by miles. Much like the entire reboot.

But yeah the original (er, second?) Enterprise was only destroyed because it was a crippled pile of shit after Khan ripped it a new asshole.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What does combat style have to do with Starfleet hitting the "I win" button?
Really? "Sulu evasive maneuver delta" "Lock phasers" (or Photon torpedoes) blam!!! (AKA Win button)..

Give me some popcorn CGI and a burning Enterprise. mindless crap is mindless crap.. I prefer mine with a little zing.