Star Trek Beyond (2016)

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
The prequels suck as much cock as you. Has nothing to do with childhoods, unless you talkin bout the Mandingo who used to ply your asshole like the tube of a cresting wave.
Your fixation on homoeroticism is interesting, as well as your interest in what I do with my body. I don't swing that way, but I am flattered. Do you believe that if I were to engage in those acts, that this would somehow diminish me? Curious.

My statement stands true. Take a look at any thread in this section and no matter how good the movie is, you'll find people saying how terrible it is. It's the nature of this board and the culture surrounding it.

Also:Star Wars: Episode 7 - Page 190


The only thing you need to know about this movie is that the original script for this was rewritten because it was deemed to 'Star Treky'. The script for a Star Trek movie was to much like Star Trek to be used.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, Im sure we've been over much of this here or elsewhere.

The intersteller teleporter in the second one, really jumped the shark, it totally took me out of the movie, and destroyed any enjoyment I had in it. It killed the internal consistency of the movie itself. It needed to be dealt with properly so we would have a better feeling of the universes rules. the real issue is how its handled. Tone, and arguably techspeak. Because lets be honest, while its existence totally undermines starships and 99% of the reality of Startrek... so do lots of other things. As noted, even regular teleporters, Replicators, holodecks, androids, A.I., hardlight holograms, etc... TNG even implemented some stuff to help deal with some of the conflict breaking tech. Cloaking particularly. "outlawed"

Replicators are some world changing shit. Most of Startrek world building makes no sense in a world Replicators exist. Any practical application outside of food is insane. Armadas of drone ships.
Many put that tech into play with their Androids, and Ship A.I. you don't need Data's, you just need automatons doing your away party, and manual labor. no more Engineers getting killed by warp coil leaks. you apparently have a ship A.I. for medical problems, why not Engineering? and the Robotics to make androids clearly exists.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know if that trailer was EXTREME enough. It seriously looks awful.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The first reboot was great. The second was pretty awful but it was at least watchable if you can somehow wrap your head around Khan being a vaguely gay englishman. This looks like pure shit.


Vyemm Raider
I thought the biggest weakness of Into Darkness was Khan was barely even the villain until the last few minutes.

I mean, you wanted him to smash Robocop's head in. He was even arguably justified up until he snapped McTit's leg and turned on the Enterprise.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
But then he curb stomped the leg of Kirk's spring fling and we knew it was on.


Blackwing Lair Raider
At what point do they stop naming star ships the Enterprise? It has to be a bad luck assignment by now right? Gets blown up in every damn movie.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Watching that preview makes me want to go home and do an Original Series marathon followed by beating some ADD street kids with my cane.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
And it looks like they forgot that the Enterprise is kind of a "main character" and is about as important to Star Trek as Kirk/Spock. Blowing it up towards the end of a movie is one thing, but removing it at the start and making the whole movie one big ass away mission?


Bronze Squire
What is really sad is they laid the groundwork last movie to go full on into the the Federation v Klingon Empire but I guess they are just skipping that.


Life's a Dream
I concur.
