Star Trek Beyond (2016)

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Bones was of course the best part of the trailer by miles. Much like the entire reboot.
Yes, agreed. The new Bones is the only one that does credit to his predecessor. Maybe the new Spock as well, if they weren't forcing him to do stupid shit like kiss Uhura. The rest are just the comedic relief versions of their predecessors.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Really? "Sulu evasive maneuver delta" "Lock phasers" blam!!! (AKA Win button)..

Give me some popcorn CGI and a burning Enterprise. mindless crap is mindless crap.. I prefer mine with a little zing.
I sure don't remember the extended space combat scenes during star trek II being that way, but aiight. And the Enterprise was burning and crippled.. Watching the Reliant's phasers slowly etch their way into the Enterprise's hull had more emotional and visual impact than all the endless pew-pew tie-fighter type combat that went on in the reboot.


<Bronze Donator>
lol Goddamn I am 55 and I swear I am 50% as crotchety as some of you guys. The last Star Trek film pulled an 87/90 on Rotten Tomatoes. 90% of 309K reviews, it could not have been nearly as bad as some of you sour fucks said it was.
I seriously thought it was fucking atrocious and I even enjoyed the first one.

I question the mental capacity of every single one of those reviewers that gave it a thumbs up.


Vyemm Raider
Where they immediately fucked themselves with their version of Making Shit Up with the super teleporter.

But I always felt that way about the replicator and holodeck and anything involving the word tachyon.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Where they immediately fucked themselves with their version of Making Shit Up with the super teleporter.

But I always felt that way about the replicator and holodeck.
That teleported him into an Engineering section that visually had more in common with a 19th century steamboat then it did a warp speed vessel.


Trakanon Raider
With their choice of song in the trailer I was expecting at some point Kirk would ask Scotty "What happened to the Enterprise?" "SABOTAAAAAAGE"


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
So is the premise of this supposed to be all these people from various planets have been forcibly gathered on some sort of perpetual combat world for reasons? Is that why it's called ST Beyond? Beyond -> Beyonder -> Secret Wars ?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
So is the premise of this supposed to be all these people from various planets have been forcibly gathered on some sort of perpetual combat world for reasons? Is that why it's called ST Beyond? Beyond -> Beyonder -> Secret Wars ?
If so, that's already been done in the original series as well. The episode with Abe Lincoln and other famous aliens from various planets forced to duke it out.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Yes, agreed. The new Bones is the only one that does credit to his predecessor. Maybe the new Spock as well, if they weren't forcing him to do stupid shit like kiss Uhura. The rest are just the comedic relief versions of their predecessors.
I thought Pine toward the end of the 1st movie pulled Kirks mannerisms off great.

That music...


<Bronze Donator>
Where they immediately fucked themselves with their version of Making Shit Up with the super teleporter.

But I always felt that way about the replicator and holodeck.
I don't think either were very good Star Trek movies but I watched the first one and enjoyed myself.

I couldn't get past how absurd the 2nd was. 30 seconds into the film we're told COLD FUSION must be REALLY COLD, DUH. Personal transporters exist. The movie ends with super mutant blood serum. Hopefully movie 3 starts with us learning everyone is immortal to keep that plot line solid.

Khan is the whitest, most inbred dude imaginable. He has to introduce himself by saying his name in the most evil way possible because for some reason the name Khan matters to Kirk in this universe where they don't know each other.

The first movie was pretty dumb. Red matter is dumb, but at least there was some creativity put into giving us this new world that these hokey characters that sort of call back to the originals could exist and make us laugh. Then Lindelhoff is like, screw that, let's remake the only actually good film from the original era except drop logic and science and include at the very least 3 giant plot holes we'll just forget about after the fact.

Seriously, the first one was fun. The second one was really, really stupid.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't like that term, "popcorn flick". Always feels like excusing away mediocre and bad films. Visuals ain't enough for me. Non-retarded plot and characters should be required too, which these reboots have failed to deliver.


FPS noob
worship at the shrine of mad max, where you strip away unnecessary dialogue, tell story through action not voice overs, and people have motivations that we can understand.

and yeah i'm not like dumar don't have a problem with the reboot, enjoyed the first one. khan was just silly in the second one and this looks goofy too. I'm not looking for an overly intellectual movie but this isn't really star trek, which at its core is about how humans can be better and science and exploration are subjects to pursue for the joy of discovery. this is basically fight club furious avatar.

also into darkness got 7.2 metacritic (7.8 user), 10 points lower than the first one. Slightly higher than I'd put it, but about right.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't like that term, "popcorn flick". Always feels like excusing away mediocre and bad films. Visuals ain't enough for me. Non-retarded plot and characters should be required too, which these reboots have failed to deliver.
It's a useful description. Fun can be found in bad dialogue, bad stories and huge explosions. I think of this bit when I think of "popcorn flick".



Trakanon Raider
I love Star Trek, I love the new cast, they've all pretty much captured the old cast.

But the stories have been shit, and this new trailer is shit.

Also I loved this trailer from the first one, got me hyped for Star Trek again, much like that last Star Wars trailer did for the new movie, mind you those were the final trailers, while the first ones were not great either, so will have to wait and see.



Murder Apologist
For a good laugh just imagine the spray-tanned LA man-whores in the board-room that greenlit that movie and trailer up:

"Hey brah, we should have the director of the Fast and Furious franchise merge the Star Trek franchise for the Gen-Y millenial up-tempo crowd!"

"Holy shit, brah we can totally have robot bats and sexy blue chicks instead of Michelle Rodriguez and we could beat another decade out of this dead horse!"

"Fast and Furious....IN SPACE"

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
lol Goddamn I am 55 and I swear I am 50% as crotchety as some of you guys. The last Star Trek film pulled an 87/90 on Rotten Tomatoes. 90% of 309K reviews, it could not have been nearly as bad as some of you sour fucks said it was.
Welcome to Rerolled. Where everything is shit and ruined your childhood.


Trakanon Raider
This is all I can see when Pine is on screen:


He's more MATT DAMON than Matt Damon.


<Bronze Donator>
Welcome to Rerolled. Where everything is shit and ruined your childhood.
The prequels suck as much cock as you. Has nothing to do with childhoods, unless you talkin bout the Mandingo who used to ply your asshole like the tube of a cresting wave.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
But I always felt that way about the replicator and holodeck and anything involving the word tachyon.
The holodeck (and the transporters) pissed me off. I get that the holodeck is a good way to explore certain themes/settings conveniently, and that the transporters had something to do with not wanting to being able to afford shuttle sets in TOS or whatever, but when half of the problems people run into in space seem to revolve around those two not even remotely essential pieces of technology fucking up, it's hard to believe that anybody would want it on their ship. I get that Trek requires a certain suspension of disbelief, and it probably didn't help that I mostly binged through the series', but I'd find myself groaning whenever it got to a 'holodeck/transporter malfunction' episode.

And yeah this movie looks like sweaty dog testicles. I watched the trailer and have no idea what the fuck it's about except robots and aliens (and not even any recognizable aliens from the Trek universe) fighting each other in the Canadian forest (it actually reminded me of SG1 more than Trek, in that respect). Who the fuck are they? What are they fighting over? Why do I care?

It's one thing to shift the focus from philosophical exploration to action (and as far as I can tell people have been complaining about Trek doing that since DS9), but if you removed the Enterprise and the Starfleet uniforms I would have no way of knowing this was even a Trek movie.

And I had never watched any Trek (excepting the TOS series, which my parents rented as a kid) until a few years ago, so it's not a nostalgia thing.