Wasn't there also some lesbo shit going on with Dax (possibly the second one, with the short hair)? Seem to remember some lesbo shit on DS9 but it's been a while since I watched it (except for the first few episodes, as I'm rewatching the series now).
Oh, and I'm really fucking loving the costumes on TOS! I'd love to see the feminist reaction to this if it were put in a modern ST:
Yeah, but it was the first Dax, iirc she caught up with a lover from a past life and they hit it off even though she was in a female body now, but ended it because banging your past life ex is a big nono for the Trills or w/e.
There was also a freaky episode in TNG where Riker falls for a member of a genderless race where it turns out this member is actually gendered (basically treated on their planet equivalent to trans/gay were irl back in the 80's, complete with underground scene, stigma, etc), but the members of her race caught her and brainwashed her back into being genderless, because nothing changes in TNG (except for getting rid of that stupid kid, which I can get behind). The freaky part is that they mention that they reproduce by two individuals inseminating an egg (no mention of where the egg comes from), and they don't mention where the gendered aliens have different parts to the rest, so it kinda came off like Riker hooking up with basically an alien pre-op tranny.
But I still don't remember any explicit homo stuff that wasn't hidden under the guide of aliens/space magic in TNG so far (S6).
Been binge watching TNG lately for the first time and while I'm enjoying it (it's a nice show to just chill out to when you cbf doing anything), it gets repetitive. There's the holodeck episodes, the magic aliens/crazy space technology tricks them into thinking they're in an alternate universe episodes, the Data tries to be human episodes, the Romulans/Cardassians are evil sneaky fuckers episodes, the crazy space anomaly gibberish episodes, the Riker bangs his way across the galaxy episodes, the token Crusher/Troi episode once or twice a season, throw in the occasional time travel episode and the two parters at the end/beginning of each season (which would have made me rage so hard if I lived in the 80's and was watching it on TV), throw in a preachy moral lesson every second or third episode, and you've pretty much got TNG.
Oh, and I'm really fucking loving the costumes on TOS! I'd love to see the feminist reaction to this if it were put in a modern ST:
Fuck that, they lost the right to bitch about that kind of thing with Femen and slut walks.