yeah, the problem is they are very clearly Jedi, and very clearly core parts of the Rebellion.
Force users, who are not Jedi, would be fine. If they made it clear they rejected the Jedi code, etc, and are doing their own thing, it would work. but it seems in order to hold onto nostalgia, they are pushing the Jedi/Sith thing.
And its too late now to just "peace off" like Ahsoka. that was ok, during the clone wars when it was her getting screwed over by Jedi inaction, and politics. But, now as key members of a full blown rebellion? "peacing off" is outright treason. you can't start a rebellion, and then just go, "eh, don't care anymore." without being the bad guy.
so yeah, too busy, but around. is ok if they aren't Jedi.
Options to solve this? well, having a Sith be his master in Bane is a start I suppose. having Ahsoka meet Obi wan, or yoda again, and her telling them off as well.
Ahsoka and vader. couple options here. the obvious is, she does what Yoda tells Luke not to do.
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