yeah, this is some well known stuff. grey jedi for life.
the actual dichotomy is order/chaos.
and both Jedi and sith codes are kindof pants on head retarded.
Jedi, condemn passion, love, joy.. which is clearly stupid. and, causes stagnation.
Sith, have kill the fuck out of each other, as part of their core tenants. also results in nothing ever getting done. Lawful evil. great. and entire civilization of chaotic evil? no wonder you morons killed yourselves off.
this is then also the other problem with fantasy which often screws up order/chaos. chaos is always "evil". the forces of order "good". but that makes no sense really. Chaos is usually destruction, and/or anarchy mislabeled. Which is totally wrong. Chaos is infinitely complex systems. There is nothing in the universe more chaotic, then LIFE. Order is undeath. no growth, never changing. mind control-order. free will-chaos. rocks..entrophy.. a dead universe is the most ordered one.