1. Movie was too long.
2. Doing good till Tarkin, tried to explain it away like other sheep but more I think over it the more pist I get.
3. The really big thing that just pulled me right out of the movie was Vader's first scene, looks like some shitty cosplay costume, although I did like the fight scene. Lighting was completely wrong, I didnt look to see if this was CGI or just bad lighting and camera placement. Either way, Disney CASH couldnt have fixed it it seems!
4. Rebels kill on a whim now and are murders of those they conspire with? This is too long to get into, some will try to clean it up on some explaining but thats the point, it wasnt needed and neither was his handler trying to give out extra orders under the radar. Only thing it show is that the rebels lost their way on good/evil and there's the bitch complaint isnt it. Everyone is suffering and looking to do things under the empire's radar but we didnt get that with this steaming pile!
5. Leia CGI, Joan Rivers didnt have as much face stretching!
6. Mon Mothma was good, no cgi to my knowledge. Why the fuck didnt they just cast actors for Leia and Tarkin? You either cgi all of them or actor all! Now if you try to pull them into another film you have to try to decide again.
5. Temple guardian was awesome as was k-2SO.
6. This should be num1, stormtrooper licensing problems it seems still! The whole ep4-6 works when you have limited trooper styles. We have how many different types? 12? WTF!. Hated this with the prequels, rebels and ep7. You can explain all you like but the real fact is Lucas lost the court battle over it and has been a sore loser since then.
And thats the joke, the guy wasnt even going to do anything about it until Lucas thought the guy was oversteps on some extra cash flow Lucas just had to get those few dollars! He was happy to just make the helmets on his own and not get nasty with the franchise on royalties.
7. Dr Evazan, great cameo but not sure I accept his escape.
8. R2 and 3po, guessing they were in route to leia's corvette on yavin 4 that would be docked for some reason? Plausible but sloppy. Maybe I missed it but where was the whole rebel base thing on Dantooine? This would have been a great time to explain why they left the base there, maybe I missed this but doubt it.
9. They didnt even name the place where you see Vader, I was ROFL so hard. Guessing they dont want to admit the prequels? They made a point to list all the other places but that one.
This needed to rewrite murder boy and his handler for one thing, add in Dantooine and remove all the other trooper styles but what was in ep4-5. Actor up the CGI crappy stuff and allow the special group to become Rogue Squadron and link into the lore of how Lando got placed into Jabba's palace and how they got the plans again for the second DS.
Guessing this is doing what is happening with the Tranformers franchise, they got the rights for the names but never knew anything about it till they got hired and just made things up as they go?
If you liked it, great. I just not a fan anymore it seems, still happy Lucas isnt involved though. Dont think i could sit thru more kiddy crap and bad writing. This is good on its own merits but fails as part of the series cannon.