41 BBY Anakin born. (22 at birth of the Empire, 41 in A new hope.)
31 BBY Lando born.
29 BBY Han born. (Hes 10 on Corellia when Palp is made Emperor)
22 BBY Military Creation Act in episode 1. 22-19 BBY is "The Clone Wars"
19 BBY Emperor. Luke/Leia born.
5 BBY Starwars Rebels.
0 BBY a new hope.
4 ABY battle of Endor.
(BBY is before the battle of Yavin, aka Death star #1)
So, clones were aged to like 20-30 to fight. and then A New Hope is 22 years later. so they would be 42-52 years old at that point, with normal aging.