Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel for the guy. Being one of the worst parts of such a highly anticipated movie must have been hard. He had almost no acting skills for a child actor. He should have never gotten the part and one wonders if his life would have been better not getting it.


Vyemm Raider
i wouldn't say his acting was one of the worst parts. maybe i've scrubbed the movie from memory well enough to have forgotten it. jar-jar is still the worst. the princess wasn't much better. the blood test and the one race immune to the force were the 2 most insulting parts.


Mr. Poopybutthole
No, the spacejews (Watto the junk dealer why do I remember this god help me).
Yes thank you Captain Obvious. I know they had a Toydarian in Phantom Menace. My point is there was already precedent in the original movies for a race that was resistant to the force.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yes thank you Captain Obvious. I know they had a Toydarian in Phantom Menace. My point is there was already precedent in the original movies for a race that was resistant to the force.
Was not the race. At the time, it only referred Jabba the hutt as one dude.... one big, mean, scary and ugly dude.
No one mention some desert jew junk dealer with the same power.

why in the fuck we are discussing anything from the prequels in the first place?!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, even old Ben Kenobi said mind tricks only work on weak minded individuals.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah that's not "being immune to the force" its just one force power that works on some but not others.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Yeah that's not "being immune to the force" its just one force power that works on some but not others.
It'd make the most sense to me if mind tricks were a more nebulous power. Like someone such as jabba could fall for it even in some situations- but the more you're focused on something and the stronger your will, the less likely it is to work. So if jabba were bored, he might be inclined to look to the side by something he thought he heard, but trying to convince him to believe something he wouldn't normally agree with is impossible.

I really hate the concept of stuff being immune to the force when its a mystical power that binds all life. When you have stuff suddenly not effected by it without a really fundamentally good reason (not effected is different from resisting), you change the very nature of the power itself to something different.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I said resistant to the force, not immune. Although I guess with Toydarians and Hutts it was specifically just mind tricks. In the EU there were all sorts of variations though. There was a species of lizard that evolved to be able to project a force neutralizing bubble around themselves because of a force sensitive predator on that planet. That same predator was later used by the Yuuzhan Vong to engineer the Voxyn, which were incredibly effective jedi hunters. The Yuuzhan Vong themselves were completely immune to the force, although the physical applications of the force worked just fine, like force lightning or throwing something heavy at them. I don't know if you could use force TK on one of the Yuuzhan Vong directly. There are also races, such as the geonosians, who are never force sensitive but the force still works ordinarily against them.

If there are races with an elevated tendency towards force sensitivity, it stands to reason that there could be all sorts of strange developments in the galaxy. Obviously the Yuuzhan Vong are a weird exception, but they're also extra-galactic invaders. This suggests that the power of the force is limited to that galaxy, that it might not work in the intergalactic gulf or in another galaxy, and that the Yuuzhan Vong might become force sensitive if they stayed in that galaxy long enough.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Well, before you get shouted down for bringing up the vong, I'm pretty sure we found out at the end that they were from the same galaxy, and the force was somehow ripped from them when they were kicked out many generations ago. I think the living force sensitive planet (zonoma sekot?) did it to them.

Now let the hue and cry against the EU re-commence.


Potato del Grande
Yes thank you Captain Obvious. I know they had a Toydarian in Phantom Menace. My point is there was already precedent in the original movies for a race that was resistant to the force.
We can't read your mind. You implied otherwise.

EU didn't happen btw.


Mr. Poopybutthole
He was obviously talking about the prequels. I brought up the originals. Pretty obvious what I was talking about.


<Prior Amod>
Even if that were true, which we know it isn't, what's it matter if the owner of the site who pays for it, makes money off of it?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Who said anything about falling for it? I thought it was funny regardless of whether it was Hodj trolling or truthing, which is why it replaced the quote about Brad's terrible Pantheon kickstarter.

The fact that two separate mods felt the need to pop in to this thread of all places and go ITS NOT TRUE ITS NOT TRUE is pretty funny though.


Molten Core Raider
I just skimmed this last page. So Draegan is Watto?

By the way, I think there's a grand total of 13 people on these entire fucking boards who give a shit about the mods, and you 13 make up 95% of the threads/posts on the subject. Just sayin', Gavinmad. Let it go...


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just skimmed this last page. So Draegan is Watto?

By the way, I think there's a grand total of 13 people on these entire fucking boards who give a shit about the mods, and you 13 make up 95% of the threads/posts on the subject. Just sayin', Gavinmad. Let it go...
I didn't fucking bring it up shithead, learn to read.