Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah you'd like to think that. Kids like them. People who saw them as kids either like them or are indifferent to them.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah you'd like to think that. Kids like them. People who saw them as kids either like them or are indifferent to them.
People that like these films are either drooling idiots that just like lightsabers, or tiny babies.
Mr Plinkett


Mr. Poopybutthole
I feel like this "everyone hates the prequels" stuff comes up randomly at least once a year. Given the fact that if everyone hated them, they wouldn't have continued to be gigantic successes at the box office after everyone hated the first one. <insert box office numbers doesn't mean anything to quality comment>
I think the vast majority of non-children disliked Jar Jar Binks and were mostly indifferent to Young Anakin and the Pod Racing and "oops" spaceship shit at the end of the first one. But the rest of the movie? Qui Gon Jin and Obi Wan Kenobi? All the special effects and shit that actually -were- pretty awesome? Darth goddamn Maul? There were elements in the movie that were a turn off, but I have never once regretted watching the thing. The same goes for both other movies. There was very cool shit in each one, but none of them were oscar worthy minus special effects/music. Just like the original trilogy. The shoe-horned romance was bad, but no worse than tons of other action movies that didn't need a shitty romance subplot. The action sequences were genuinely good in every film, even if you take into account "I have the high ground."

Anakin wasn't a likeable character, and because of the tie-in shit that was planned, wasn't fully fleshed out in the films. The characters around him (minus notable lines from Padme) were pretty awesome throughout, much like the original series and Luke. Luke had a lot of whiny, cringeworthy antics, but Han Solo being a boss made up for it.

The prequels weren't amazing pieces of film by any stretch of the imagination when taken as a whole, but the only people that honestly -hate- them are basement dwelling neckbeards. They were alright to ok, just not as groundbreaking as the original trilogy. Not to mention, the original trilogy didn't have youthful nostalgia to go up against when it comes to opinions. I'm not sure if too many people were watching Star Wars when it first came out going "what's this crap? This Island Earth was waaaaay better!"


what Suineg set it to
It has nothing to do with the films 'in a vacuum' and everything to do with what they did to dismantle the franchise and how high hopes were before they were crushed. It's entirely possible for the movies to merely be acceptable in quality but still be loathed for their lack of consistency from their forebears.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah. If you asked me I would say I hate the prequels, but there is no real malice. They just weren't good movies. I had such high expectations, and after seeing them I just didn't know what to make of it. I wasn't the type to sit and analyze frame by frame why it sucked, I just knew they weren't good and that pretty much killed the hope Ihad of ever seeing Star Wars again. Then Disney came and gave me hope at least.

I read some stupid Cracked article today talking about how everyone is wrong about the prequels, and while they definitely cherry picked shit and gave up on context, it is definitely true that the original are not exactly Citizen Kane or anything, and without the nostalgia who knows how I would feel about them. But at the same time, they were good and still mostly hold up. I wouldn't know about the prequels, I have never been tempted to rewatch them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
1 and 2 are bad, even without judging them against the originals. I think 3 is good on its own merits, it falls a bit short of the originals but comes pretty close. The climactic fight between Anakin and Obi-wan was very evocative of the fight between Vader and Luke in RotJ, they just went full retard on some of the fight choreography which was really jarring and stupid.


what Suineg set it to
1 and 2 are bad, even without judging them against the originals. I think 3 is good on its own merits, it falls a bit short of the originals but comes pretty close. The climactic fight between Anakin and Obi-wan was very evocative of the fight between Vader and Luke in RotJ, they just went full retard on some of the fight choreography which was really jarring and stupid.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Haha god damn, so terrible.

Look, I watched them, and I tried my best to enjoy them. And I did enjoy small parts. But it's not so much that I want to hate them, it's more that I wanted SO MUCH to love them. But holy fucking hell, all you have to do is watch Red Letter stuff for a refresher, and you just hang your head in defeat, because the monumental effort to actually like these movies just can't stand up to the crushing weight of their failure.

And before some of you fucks take issue with my using the term failure, I'm by no means debating their financial success. But make no mistake, it wassolelydriven by brand/franchise name. If it hadn't been Star Wars, Phantom Menace would have been John Carter levels of financial failure, leading to 2 and 3 never existing.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Didn't John Carter eventually break even? Fantastic Four will be more of a failure or a flop than that.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lets put this thought about the prequels another way. Can you imagine how powerful the hype train would be for this new Star Wars, if the prequels had never come out? The prequels are like speed regulators on this train. They were bad enough to actually effect the potential for hype about a movie 10 years later.


Vyemm Raider
The only good thing about the prequels is watching clips of the lightsaber duels on youtube. And even most of those have worse endings than a Stephen King novel.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The only saber fight I like was the one with Maul, and even that was a little gay too.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I loved about 80% of the fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin. But then there were parts that were just the worst thing ever, like this one spot where they're fighting, break, and then spend 5-10 seconds whirling their sabers around themselves before recommitting. It was terrible.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I loved about 80% of the fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin. But then there were parts that were just the worst thing ever, like this one spot where they're fighting, break, and then spend 5-10 seconds whirling their sabers around themselves before recommitting. It was terrible.