Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


> Than U
In martial arts that is done to create a barrier intended to parry/block multiple attacks usually called something along the lines of 360 fuckery.
In Star Wars it is called, bad are we know fight we do not.


Molten Core Raider


Molten Core Raider
The only saber fight I like was the one with Maul, and even that was a little gay too.
Yeah, that had the same problem as the Obi vs Vader fight.

After Maul and Obi-wan exchange like 60 quick hits they both back off and pose like they're waiting for applause from Syrio.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, that had the same problem as the Obi vs Vader fight.

After Maul and Obi-wan exchange like 60 quick hits they both back off and pose like they're waiting for applause from Syrio.
Nah the break and re-address is common enough in many kinds of sword fighting as well as martial arts and is used frequently in movies when two relative equals are fighting. It's the standing there spinning their sabers around with Anakin and Obi-Wan that's appallingly bad.

My only real problem with the Maul/Obi-Wan fight is that it's overly choreographed. Like they both do moves that don't make a lot of sense except that they know their opponent will be swinging there next. Which, ironically, is probably what a fight between two force sensitive people might look like, but it sure looks like shit on screen.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
That's the thing. A sith would be attacking to kill, not to dance. At the time, I loved the maul fight but as I've gotten older it's just too flashy.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
That's the thing. A sith would be attacking to kill, not to dance. At the time, I loved the maul fight but as I've gotten older it's just too flashy.
2 minutes 26 seconds since timestamps don't seem to work for some reason.



Trakanon Raider
As someone who came to the prequels pretty late, I'll say that they're pretty mediocre movies. I saw episode 1 when I was 18 in the theatre, but only cause my girlfriend at the time liked Star Wars. Personally, I'd seen the originals growing up, but by then hardly even remembered them (I was born in '81). I fucking hated episode 1 and thought it was pretty much one of the worst, most boring movies I'd seen in a theatre. I never bothered seeing 2 or 3. I decided this summer to re-watch the originals and the prequels, which I finished up last week. The original movies are dated for sure (not sure exactly which version I downloaded, but there were definitely original scenes replaced with CGI), but still reasonably entertaining. You can see why they're classics, even if they're a bit campy.

The prequels really are a lot worse. Episode 1 is still fucking awful. 2/3 were certainly better, but still had a lot of problems. A lot of the dialogue is ridiculous, some of the acting is horrible, the overall story arch is disjointed, and there's about a billion plot holes where shit just doesn't make sense. WHY THE FUCK IS LUKE GIVEN TO HIS OWN FAMILY WITH HIS OWN NAME ON THE SAME PLANET HIS SUPER EVIL DAD GREW UP ON? They're not totally without redemption, as there's some good action scenes and it was cool to see a bunch of Jedi's kicking ass.

Hopefully the new movies are in much better hands than the prequels were. It's honestly kind of shocking to look back on the prequels and reflect just how badly Lucas botched them. I mean, I can see being out of touch and making some mistakes in the finer aspects of the movies. But I just don't see how he could have so badly botched major plot points between the two sets of movies without being a complete fucking retard.


Tranny Chaser
I don't think Lucas wanted to be the Godfather of scifi. I think the only film he really wanted to make was American Graffiti, after that he became interested in what became Star Wars as a way to reinvigorate film making from a technical standpoint and with aspects of Kurosawa but translated to a form American audiences would enjoy.

He absolutely did change the nature of motion pictures. The whole adoption of complex visual and audio effects is the most noted, but he also ushered in a standard of tighter editing and overall scope of film making that brought back a good portion of the wonder. You can draw a conceptual wall between the films that were already in production when Star Wars hit the theaters and those which came after.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
That comic book page was awesome! I think Disney is only keeping the prequels as cannon so they can pick some good bits out to market further, like an Ewan McGregor Obi Wan film. I doubt we'll ever hear of midichlorians and Jar-Jar again.


Guy, seriously. I'm insanely looking forward to this. Literally every time I see the trailer I get goosebumps. These new pictures make me excited as hell.


Wonder what's going on in this picture.

Look at the pages of the script. I think they are using red because it can't be easily copied.



The guy who wrote empire, according to those photos, is also writing the full trilogy, and the Han Solo prequel.

From his interview Lucas asked him to write episode 1-3, but he declined citing that he wasn't in the right place in his life to revisit star wars again.


Avatar of War Slayer
Wonder what's going on in this picture.

Look at the pages of the script. I think they are using red because it can't be easily copied.

Possible. also different versions of scripts have different colors.

Like first draft is white. then you rewrite on week 2, you use blue paper, and pass it around. that way you know instantly is someone fucked up and is using the wrong version of the script.