Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Trakanon Raider
So was there a trailer this weekend? I was out of town and trying to catch up on ComiCon stuff.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
No new trailer, but a 3 minute behind the scenes thing. Should be linked on the previous page.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
They should get that dude from No Country for Old Men to play a villain too!


In the quick interview, Horowitz rattled off a bunch of ?yes or no? questions and when the possible appearance of these microscopic life forms were brought up, Abrams gave a resounding ?no? as his response. As a bit of a refresher, midi-chlorians were introduced in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace to give a scientific explanation as to where The Force comes from. In the original trilogy, no real rhyme or reason was applied to the power which is a great example of how best it is, sometimes, to ultimately leave these things up to the imagination.

Abrams? answer falls in line with his mission to only focus on the story canon of the original Star Wars trilogy. We?ll find out what else lies in store in just a little over four months as Star Wars: The Force Awakens will hit theaters on December 18th.
I wonder if they will eventually retcon episode 1-3 out of the cannon. I bet not one person complains.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I wonder if they will eventually retcon episode 1-3 out of the cannon. I bet not one person complains.
They can't, because that would also retcon Clone Wars and at least part of Rebels. They'll just do their best to never reference Eps 1-3 ever again.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
No midi shit? fuck yes!! I'm sold!!!

The official title is "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" , right? no 7 or VII in there? So maybe there is hope the prequels are retconned.


Mr. Poopybutthole
for fucks sake

On April 25, 2014, Lucasfilm and Disney revised the franchise's canon.They announced that the existing six films and The Clone Wars television series are the "immovable objects" of Star Wars storytelling.Previously published material has been relabeled under a "Legends" label, and future content will present a different vision of people, places and events after Return of the Jedi. They also announced that all future Star Wars stories will be connected and on equal canon level as the films, with guidance coming from the Star Wars story group. Additionally, it was announced that the films of the sequel trilogy will not follow the same story as that of the Expanded Universe works taking place after the events of Return of the Jedi. The first official canon novel in the revised continuity was Star Wars: A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller, which is a prequel novel to Star Wars Rebels. It was released September 2, 2014.
They are not retconning Ep 1-3.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maybe instead of retconing them they can just remake them better with better actors and better story and no retarded shit like midiclorians but in a way that they doesn't fuck up the clone wars...


Mr. Poopybutthole
The living manifestations of the force from Clone Wars are a million times worse than midichlorians and they're canon too. I'd literally be fine with DBZ style scouters that counted midichlorian counts during battle if it meant they'd retcon away those episodes.


El Presidente
The living manifestations of the force from Clone Wars are a million times worse than midichlorians and they're canon too. I'd literally be fine with DBZ style scouters that counted midichlorian counts during battle if it meant they'd retcon away those episodes.
Yeah that was some fairly terrible shit. Sad too because for the most part I liked Clone Wars. Certainly that show had better writing/dialogue than the prequels!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The living manifestations of the force from Clone Wars are a million times worse than midichlorians and they're canon too. I'd literally be fine with DBZ style scouters that counted midichlorian counts during battle if it meant they'd retcon away those episodes.
They can retcon Clone Wars too for all i care


Yeah Clone Wars really wasn't good enough for me to ever care about.

They won't do it, but If they retconned all that shit. I doubt any one would care


Molten Core Raider
Episode 7 should begin with the Sith torturing the shit out of Jar Jar as it turns out he is the source of the story of ep 1-3. Then as he gurgles some death rattle bullshit like Meesa told you the whole truth they cut over to threepio who sold him out who says oh thank goodness he told them some story the Ewoks made up and Jar Jar never even actually met Anakin.

At this point no one gives a shit. It didn't happen.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Episode 7 should begin with the Sith torturing the shit out of Jar Jar as it turns out he is the source of the story of ep 1-3. Then as he gurgles some death rattle bullshit like Meesa told you the whole truth they cut over to threepio who sold him out who says oh thank goodness he told them some story the Ewoks made up and Jar Jar never even actually met Anakin.

At this point no one gives a shit. It didn't happen.
I like this idea. At this point, I wouldn't mind for his torture to last the entire movie. Not be the movie, but randomly cut back to them torturing him in new inventive ways for at least 10 minutes total. They have to give us something for making Ep. 1-3 don't they?