Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Trakanon Raider
At the time the EU was still relatively canon and there were tons of force users still alive, including a few people being trained in the Jedi traditions. Luke may have become quite powerful, but he wasn't some crazy immaculately conceived vergence in the force like his dad. He was just a normal force sensitive pampered little asshole. Why would he have set off some giant disturbance in the force?
I guess I'm just going off the movies. Luke didn't awaken his force sensitivity until mid/late ANH. We assume that he trained on his own in the gap between ANH and ESB. Towards the beginning of Empire the Emperor tells Vader he has sensed a great disturbance in the Force. So maybe not a GPS to Luke but they know he's out there. Plus in RotJ Vader and Luke can feel each other in separate ships. So what I'm saying is if Obi-Wan was on tatooine using the Force all the time or planet hoping using the force, the Emperor would have sensed something. My theory is that Obi-Wan just lived his life sans force while Luke grew up. Hence the line "Your powers are weak old man"


Mr. Poopybutthole
Or maybe the great disturbance in the force is not Luke personally, but rather the more abstract idea that for the first time since he wiped out the Jedi Order, there was actually a major threat to the dominance of the Sith forming. Not a specific disturbance as in a person, but rather the force itself is disturbed because there may be a challenge to the ascendancy of the dark side.


Vyemm Raider
Jedu Consular, Body Type 4


Also, Inception showed us the method Yoda used to train Luke in a few weeks.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Or maybe the great disturbance in the force is not Luke personally, but rather the more abstract idea that for the first time since he wiped out the Jedi Order, there was actually a major threat to the dominance of the Sith forming. Not a specific disturbance as in a person, but rather the force itself is disturbed because there may be a challenge to the ascendancy of the dark side.
Things had been basically the same for 20 years since shit went down at the end of Episode III. Obi and Yoda could still be out fighting the good fight, and that wouldn't change Vader's or Palp's feelings of the Force. They were already there, and continued to be there. It wasn't till Luke started training that they introduced a new agent in the mix. THAT is the disturbance. After 20 years, something new is added.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Midiclorians didn't bother me because they're easy to rationalize.
This is how I understood them:
The force
Microorganisms feed off the force, like an underground Steam vent creates ecosystems.
The force didn't come from the organisms, but if you can find the organisms, you have an easier way to locate people with higher force destinies
Since they weren't mentioned in the original three movies, I figured since the times of the prequels scientists Star Wars Universe scientists discovered that tracking midiclorians could lead to false readings. It wasn't a perfect method and not worth the effort to continue utilizing it.
Midiclorians was that generation's divining rod

I hated the prequels. I rewatched them recently and they were even worse than I had remembered

With that said. Clone Wars was great and plenty of the games and game mods were great

It would be much better to patch over with good material and never allow it to resurface

PS: Watch Belated Media's "What if they were good?" series


Trakanon Raider
Luke's looking a little Porky, wonder why they didnt put him on the Carrie Fisher Regime (Cocaine and Running) to slim him up a bit.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
All Lucas had to do for the Prequels was to have Anakin come from some other planet. We see all that stuff happen some other place. Then at some point we do go to Tantooine and spend a little time there, which gives Obi-Wan the idea that it was a remote enough place to hide out / retire to.

It was just that Lucas had the silly desire to have the prequels filled with recognisable things / places.


Avatar of War Slayer
Or maybe the great disturbance in the force is not Luke personally, but rather the more abstract idea that for the first time since he wiped out the Jedi Order, there was actually a major threat to the dominance of the Sith forming. Not a specific disturbance as in a person, but rather the force itself is disturbed because there may be a challenge to the ascendancy of the dark side.

Darth Vader: [kneeling before Emperor Palpatine's hologram] What is thy bidding, my master?
Emperor Palpatine: There is a great disturbance in the Force.
Vader: I have felt it.
Palpatine: We have a new enemy, Luke Skywalker.
Vader: Yes, My Master.
Palpatine: He could destroy us.
Vader: He's just a boy. Obi-Wan can no longer help him.
Palpatine: The Force is strong with him. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.
Vader: If he could be turned, he would become a powerful ally.
Palpatine: [intrigued] Yes, Yes... He would be a great asset. Can it be done?
Vader: He will join us or die, master.
SE version of the scene.

Special edition changes the lines.
Darth Vader: [kneeling before Emperor Palpatine's hologram] What is thy bidding, my master?
Emperor Palpatine: There is a great disturbance in the Force.
Vader: I have felt it.
Palpatine: We have a new enemy, the young rebel who destroyed the death star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin skywalker.
Vader: How is that possible?
Palpatine: Search your feelings, Lord Vader. You will know it to be true.
Palpatine: He could destroy us.
Vader: He's just a boy. Obi-Wan can no longer help him.
Palpatine: The Force is strong with him. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.
Vader: If he could be turned, he would become a powerful ally.
Palpatine: [intrigued] Yes, Yes... He would be a great asset. Can it be done?
Vader: He will join us or die, master.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
That theory is pretty damn good. I've always looked at R2 as the brains behind the droid duo, and always thought that there was supposed to be more than meets the eye to Chewie. And while this theory is not 100% fool proof (for example, they forget that Owen first bought the red droid, so that whole negotion to have the Jawas sell R2 seems off), then I doubt it can get any better. There's just too much shit to explain considering how lazy Lucas is. I think this will be my new cannon til something better arrives.


Avatar of War Slayer
That theory is pretty damn good. I've always looked at R2 as the brains behind the droid duo, and always thought that there was supposed to be more than meets the eye to Chewie. And while this theory is not 100% fool proof (for example, they forget that Owen first bought the red droid, so that whole negotion to have the Jawas sell R2 seems off), then I doubt it can get any better. There's just too much shit to explain considering how lazy Lucas is. I think this will be my new cannon til something better arrives.
There is an alt or advancement to that theory to answer the red droid first thing- and that is R2 has some force powers and blew the red druids motivator.

Also that "what is thy bidding my master" scene always make me think ofStar Wars Gangsta Rap Special Edition - YouTube


Trakanon Raider
So I was reading through that fan theory above and there is a glaring flaw. If Leia didn't put the Death Star plans in R2, then how did she know it was there? Maybe I missed it because I'm reading on my phone. Overall a lame theory. I did like the insight on Obi-Wan and Luke. Leave him alone forever, train him, or destroy him. Neat concept.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Palpatine: Search your feelings, Lord Vader. You will know it to be true.

Jesus.....everytime lucas change his shitty dialogue it becomes worse


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I was reading through that fan theory above and there is a glaring flaw. If Leia didn't put the Death Star plans in R2, then how did she know it was there? Maybe I missed it because I'm reading on my phone. Overall a lame theory. I did like the insight on Obi-Wan and Luke. Leave him alone forever, train him, or destroy him. Neat concept.
R2 told her and Chewie offscreen after Kenobi's death once it was clear she and Chewie were the defacto remaining rebel leaders in the group? Its not perfect or anything yeah, just fun stuff. Blame Lucas for being a fucking hack who alienated all the talent from the original trilogy.