Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Trakanon Raider
I really hope the chick gets to do some jedi-foo and isnt just eye candy, I think the series def misses a strong female jedi who is badass.


Karazhan Raider
My hope is that staff of her's ends up as some kind of a lightsaber pole-arm




Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Aren't they supposed to be moving away from the more heavily choreographed sort of fight sequences?


<Gold Donor>
God I hope their moving away from dance routine fights.

The only good coreographed fight scene movie I've seen in a long while was the raid. Just because it gave you a HUGE feeling that people really knew what they were doing, but at the same time it broke down. People came in fighting with a plan, but then they got fucking stabbed, or they grabbed together and struggled around like people actually would.

really choreographed stuff works when you're trying to show one extremely skilled person slicing through morons so easy it looks like practice to them, it also works at the start of fights. But when it continues on mid fight? It feels like they are fighting without passion.


what Suineg set it to
The thing is regardless of 'forcelol' it just looks fake. You can kind of tell because they start their movements in the same instant instead of act/react.


Avatar of War Slayer
God I hope their moving away from dance routine fights.

The only good coreographed fight scene movie I've seen in a long while was the raid. Just because it gave you a HUGE feeling that people really knew what they were doing, but at the same time it broke down. People came in fighting with a plan, but then they got fucking stabbed, or they grabbed together and struggled around like people actually would.

really choreographed stuff works when you're trying to show one extremely skilled person slicing through morons so easy it looks like practice to them, it also works at the start of fights. But when it continues on mid fight? It feels like they are fighting without passion.
ps. have you watched Daredevil?


Silver Knight of the Realm
The thing is regardless of 'forcelol' it just looks fake. You can kind of tell because they start their movements in the same instant instead of act/react.
My biggest problem with the fight scenes from Ep.1-3 are that to me they are just unbelievable. In a real sword fight, are you going to twirl your lightsabre/sword all around you? By doing this, aren't you taking a chance that you'll drop it? Yes I know they have the force and all but it just seems like if you're sword fighting, the last thing you want to do is twirl your lightsabre/sword for fear of fucking up and getting pwned.

I still think the best duel in all the Star Wars movies is Luke vs. Darth Vader in Empire, with their repeat fight in Return as the second best. All the stuff from Ep. 1-3 to me seemed just way overblown and ridiculous.


Avatar of War Slayer
My biggest problem with the fight scenes from Ep.1-3 are that to me they are just unbelievable. In a real sword fight, are you going to twirl your lightsabre/sword all around you? By doing this, aren't you taking a chance that you'll drop it? Yes I know they have the force and all but it just seems like if you're sword fighting, the last thing you want to do is twirl your lightsabre/sword for fear of fucking up and getting pwned.

I still think the best duel in all the Star Wars movies is Luke vs. Darth Vader in Empire, with their repeat fight in Return as the second best. All the stuff from Ep. 1-3 to me seemed just way overblown and ridiculous.
*inc silly "reason" for this type of fighting* It is said that the force users can see slightly into the future - thus their response time etc. the more powerful you are the "longer" that innate future sense is - so an equally matched force user vs. force user will all "see" their upcoming attack on both ends of the coin and the fight will be a bunch of needless show- like in Ep3 - there is a point in ObiWan vs Vader where they literally just swing their sabers around at each other with no impact- this is the epitome of this idea- I believe it is the section where they are inside the control room right before their breakout into force push vs force push.

this ALSO is the reason for the "slow" style of face off in Ep4 of vader vs obiwan again - while it "looked" like they where mostly standing there and playing the pot shot game- in "the force" reality they where having ep1-3esque battles in force future prediction land.


Vyemm Raider
Finding a somewhat plausible explaination for why a fight looked completely retarded doesn't make it any less retarded.

Jedi and Sith can see the near future somewhat, but that doesn't explain why they suddenly decide to turn a duel into a ballet. If anything, Anakin could have chopped off Obi-Wan's head when he foresaw that he was going to swing his sword around like Conan for 5 seconds. Or the other way around.

The real reason why the prequels had all that fluff in the fights was because -some- people complained about the fights in the old movies (mostly ANH because you have an old man fighting a cripple in a cumbersome suit so it wasn't very flashy).. and probably because like many other things Lucas actually made those fights look real because he didn't have the money and technology to make it all look retarded YET. We have seen what Lucas does when he is given unlimited ressources and power, and that doesn't look good.

My favorite fights in the movies is definitely Vader vs Luke (both), I like it because Vader is very conservative with his fighting moves. He only parries what he needs to, and clearly uses his massive strength to gain the upper hand. Like anyone would in that situation. No fucking cheerleader stick twirling.


El Presidente
There is probably a happy medium that is ideal for lightsaber duels. The fighters can be faster and more competent than they were in the Original Trilogy without making it an overly sped up shitfest like some of the prequel fights.