Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Why wouldn't at least the sith use blasters. You'd figure they'd be deadly accurate and they probably don't care about being 'civilized'. They could just aimbot/maphack all day long.
After they ruined star wars galaxies a jedi with a carbine could solo end game instances by force running around in a circle and healing.

It was sad.


Vyemm Raider
Well I can see using two hands with a light saber. You are still projecting weight with it. In rotj Luke was bashing the shit out of Vader with his. Two hands might be needed for balance, control and strength.
Exactly. Two people of near equal strength, if one guy swings two-handed and the other guy blocks one-handed, second guy's gonna get both lightsabers to the face.


That guy
Something I've never understood about Jedi is they can move heavy rocks or even star ships, so why not levitate your fucking self and fly?


Registered Hutt
In the EU they occasionally mention how you can't manipulate yourself with the force like that. It's like you're the point of reference, and you can change everything but that. It's just a cap on plot power basically. Like there are a few species and individuals who can resist force persuasion so it's not an I Win button.


Avatar of War Slayer
Something I've never understood about Jedi is they can move heavy rocks or even star ships, so why not levitate your fucking self and fly?
the same reasy why mr Yoda "size matters not" had to stop everything he was doing and FOCUS REALLY REALLY HARD not to let that thing fall on obiwan in ep2 and let dooku get away, because while size matters not, it matters when lucas says it matters.


That guy
So they can't manipulate their boots to make their body go upward? Stupid bullshit reasoning. I always assume the force worked pretty much exactly like Magneto in X-Men and they could manipulate objects in that manner, which is how he's able to fly. Metal fucking shoes.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah Magneto flies by generating and manipulating a magnetic field that causes the magnetic field of the earth to shunt him around however he wants or some shit. I dunno. But he's not actually directly levitating himself.

You would think a Jedi could levitate an object he was standing on though, like how Static flies around on his manhole cover.


Molten Core Raider
See and here I thought it was his bracers and boots (iron) he used. Always wondered why he never quartered himself.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Something I've never understood about Jedi is they can move heavy rocks or even star ships, so why not levitate your fucking self and fly?
Well their force jumps pretty much are a limited form of that so we know its at least somewhat possible. Its probably more psychological than practical limitation. Do you believe you can fly if so then you likely can use the force to do so. If you don't 100% believe it chances are it won't work or you wind up with force jumps and force leaps of limited mobility but not sustained duration flight.


Vyemm Raider
Well their force jumps pretty much are a limited form of that so we know its at least somewhat possible. Its probably more psychological than practical limitation. Do you believe you can fly if so then you likely can use the force to do so. If you don't 100% believe it chances are it won't work or you wind up with force jumps and force leaps of limited mobility but not sustained duration flight.
You're trolling, right?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dude, Jedi have been around for over ten thousand years. If anyone had ever figured out that it was possible to fly, I highly doubt the secret would have been lost. Force augmented jumps aren't a function of Force TK, they're an extension of Force Speed. They're using the force to augment their physical capabilities, not literally using the force to propel themselves.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
In the EU they occasionally mention how you can't manipulate yourself with the force like that. It's like you're the point of reference, and you can change everything but that. It's just a cap on plot power basically. Like there are a few species and individuals who can resist force persuasion so it's not an I Win button.
Wasn't this exact description a pretty major plot point that Scotty solved in one of the new star trek movies?


I know Chiss are like force resistant and so are the space Jews that enslaved anakin but pretty sure most people can train themselves to resist it right? I always assumed it just worked on grunts and people with untrained minds


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Weak minds, so yeah. Some races are more susceptible than others but I always took it that ANYONE could potentially resist it. But even someone who was resistant could be caught if they were distracted enough.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's probably no idea you guys could possibly come up with involving the force that hasn't been done in at least one EU novel.


Molten Core Raider
Challenge accepted.

Leia is cloned three times. Two have sex with each other while the third snorts coke and shits on the floor. Oh and they're all using the Force.


Buzzfeed Editor
Well I can see using two hands with a light saber. You are still projecting weight with it. In rotj Luke was bashing the shit out of Vader with his. Two hands might be needed for balance, control and strength.
You'd think that (I know I used too, as well--it seems to make sense), but it's really not how sword fighting works when all you need is a touch to do major damage. The whole concept of really "locking blades" just doesn't happen in that case--there are parries, for sure, but if you're at all a decent swordsmen a parry is about a small deflection (To change the direction of your opponents blade) to give you an opening of attack, it's not about "blocking" it (In a way parries are more striking your opponents blade to open him up, than defense). The moment someone puts his sword up for a "power block", like you saw in RoTJ? Your opponent, if the weapon is light, is simply going to change the course of his strike mid fight and take an arm off. I forgot to mention it earlier, but someone else did--the lack of weight makes anenormousdifference in how you fight (Which is one reason why fencing evolved as it did). I'm not good at fencing, mind you--My buddy is a C-Ranked fencer and I take some classes for fun at his gym. But even the "saber style" fencing, which is generally heavier then the other forms (And uses the blade end)? Doesn't play out with two hands and strength blocks/attacks, because "light weapons" are just easy to change course mid flight.

Jedi fighting seems to be modeled after, as someone else said, Japanese Swordsmanship or Medieval long sword use--both styles which evolved heavier weapons to deal with armor. In those fights, strength matches happened because the heavy blade required some commitment to the swing (Which was also required to do anything to armor. You really had to commit to your blow.)

But in a duel where you're using a very light weapon, and your opponent has no armor? That kind of heavy "beating" style of sword fighting doesn't happen; it's shockingly easy to flick your wrist when someone goes to block and score a point by touching them somewhere (Which, with a light saber, means they just lost a hunk of flesh at the least). And that's with a sword that still weighs a few pounds; a sword that weighs nothing and can cut your arm off through just touching it? Any big strength matches that arose would just let the quicker swordsmen take an arm or some other part you left exposed by flicking his wrist mid flight to change where he was going to hit.

The Ancient_sl

This conversation right here is why everything that isn't the original trilogy sucks balls. Nerds trying to come up with explanations for things that are 100% "because it looked cool."