I saw them make Luke into an even more of a Not-Jedi than Hayden Christiansen, but honestly most of the film was a foggy blur because my eyes rolled so hard after watching a WW2 bombing run happen in zero-g I think I actually sprained my occular nerves. Every $200K Sci-Fi film Roger Corman ever made was better than what Disney did with this.
Fuck you. Battle Beyond the Stars is a masterpiece of cinema.
the pinball game version was pretty sweet too.Corman was a genius. Google actors / directors who got their start working for him, its the whos who in Hollywood Cinema.
Corman is famous for never once making a film that lost money. No one in HW has his track record.
Who doesnt love the original Death Race.
I actually yelled in the theater during that "Bombing" run. I never do that kind of shit. That moment blew right past my filter as I yelled. " There is no gravity in space. How the fuck are bombs dropping"?
Disney did something with that movie that I would have never thought possible. They made a movie worse that the prequels. I am one of those people that will never again watch anything Star Wars from Disney, at the movie theater. A movie would have to get fantastic reviews for me to even reconsider that position. I am not to worried about that happening at this point.
There's gravity in all the ships. The pilot fell to the bottom of the bombing bay and nobody had a problem with that. If there's gravity in the ship, the momentum will carry the bomb as soon as it's in the vacuum of space. But there was a blueprint concept art thingy going around that said the bombs were propelled along their rails by magnetism, so you don't even need gravity.
That said, it's dumb to have to fly over top of a target in space to hit it with a projectile. It takes no additional effort to hurl it from 1000 yards away
Original Star Wars showed that proton torpedoes exist and the prequels showed missiles. Rogue One added ion torpedoes to disable a star destroyer (once one of its shield generator towers was taken out).
But TLJ bombers were slow and only had vertical drop bombs. They were even instructed to fly a tight formation which resulted in a TIE collision taking out multiple bombers because they were too close. Stupidly, it appears the last bomber triggered explosions large enough to engulf the bomber anyways so the design itself is suicide.
Bottom line: Why could these "bombers" not be designed to propel the bombs forward? Change nothing else just make them launch IN FRONT. Down is stupid.
Bottom line: Why could these "bombers" not be designed to propel the bombs forward? Change nothing else just make them launch IN FRONT. Down is stupid.
And why do they have to attack the star destroyers head on? Why not fly at a right angle from above or below?
That's the old Battleship tactic 'Crossing the T'. Basically bring all you guns into an optimum firing position while putting your enemies into the worst.
View attachment 173948
Crossing the T - Wikipedia
Original Star Wars showed that proton torpedoes exist and the prequels showed missiles. Rogue One added ion torpedoes to disable a star destroyer (once one of its shield generator towers was taken out).
But TLJ bombers were slow and only had vertical drop bombs. They were even instructed to fly a tight formation which resulted in a TIE collision taking out multiple bombers because they were too close. Stupidly, it appears the last bomber triggered explosions large enough to engulf the bomber anyways so the design itself is suicide.
Bottom line: Why could these "bombers" not be designed to propel the bombs forward? Change nothing else just make them launch IN FRONT. Down is stupid.
Missile BoatMy memory is fuzzy but they actually had dummy big bombs in the old tie fighter dos game.
Used on a light bomber that could rapidly drain energy to go really fast and you would speed towards target and lob it.
Yeah, the proton bombs were slow as balls but conveniently fired frontal like everything else. So the propulsion of the ship itself could be used to increase the speed of the weapon.MGLT (Speed)
maximum load of eighty concussion missiles; the primary launchers could alternatively hold fifteen proton torpedoes, ten heavy rockets, or five heavy space bombs.
- 122 MGLT with all recharges set to maintenance level
- 426 MGLT with all recharges fully redirected to engines and SLAM overdrive active
My memory is fuzzy but they actually had dummy big bombs in the old tie fighter dos game.
Used on a light bomber that could rapidly drain energy to go really fast and you would speed towards target and lob it.