Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I already know everything that will happen in the next two movies. Should I spoiler it all for everyone? Be warned, you won't have to watch them after you read my two spoilers.

Episode 8 and 9. Kylo Ren completes his training and conversion completely to the dark side after he killed his father, Han Solo. He is named "Darth Lidicus". His goal is to realign the empire and continue his lineage as Darth Vader's Grandson. Which also includes a subplot to overthrow Snoke. Late in Episode 8 before the credits roll, it is revealed who snoke is. Vader.

Rey obviously begins her training with Luke Skywalker after Luke gets a visit from Yoda (Ghost) and Yoda explains to Luke that the dark side is more powerful now than ever before and driven from an unseen force which puts the previous emperor to shame. Throughout the training, Rey finds out she is the half sister of Kylo Ren. Han Solo had an affair, which led to the divorce which will be explained in the movie once the twist begins. However, Snoke, isn't Snoke. Snoke is Vader (As mentioned above - and you can actually see this as you notice the scar marks on the forehead of Snoke and everything resembles Vader when he took his mask off in Return of the Jedi.) Vader was brought back to life by None other than... You guessed it. Darth Plagueis. He never died. He was manipulating the strings the entire time and trying to gain control of the one true family born of the force. Everything else, including the other movies, were just a side attraction as he gained power and influence over them from different vantages.

The movie ends with Plagueis, Vader, and Kylo Ren in a battle for the ultimate control of the sith. Kylo and Plagueis die. Vader, comes full circle, and destroys what's left of the Jedi once and for all.

The end.
This is gay


Molten Core Raider
Can we have a full movie of this instead?

Great cinematics, shame about the game
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
jesus i would fork over all the moneys for a movie based around that. Awesome.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Can we have a full movie of this instead?

Great cinematics, shame about the game

This is the reason I like star wars, Too bad they will never do this in a movie.

There is never , ever, ever , any gray in the sith/jedi dynamic.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've talked about this before I'm sure, but I think that's because the Jedi/Sith are just cults of force users. Of course there's no grey, because then you wouldn't be a Jedi/Sith. But force isn't restricted to those two groups of goobers, but it just so happens they're the two powerhouses of the region. They definitely could introduce a 3rd group at some point from the outer reaches or something else.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I've talked about this before I'm sure, but I think that's because the Jedi/Sith are just cults of force users. Of course there's no grey, because then you wouldn't be a Jedi/Sith. But force isn't restricted to those two groups of goobers, but it just so happens they're the two powerhouses of the region. They definitely could introduce a 3rd group at some point from the outer reaches or something else.

But they wont, and thats the problem.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
In fact, they are doing that currently in the Rebels cartoon series with the Bendu who is neither lightside or darkside (his words), and did in Clone Wars with the Night Sisters of Dathomir who utilize the darkside but aren't Sith

Edit : Actually, while Kylo isn't Sith either, and in interviews I recall them discussing that Kylo believes he is doing the right thing which makes him such an interesting character. He may end up being seen as in the middle in the end. In most of the books in the new canon, they are making it a point to establish that in both sides of any conflict, either side thinks the are doing the right thing, rarely are there purely evil people just running around being dicks.
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Trakanon Raider
Except they are. They're slowly building that 'grey' force users are far more powerful. You'll almost always have the Jedi be the heroes, but with what they are doing in Rebels(canon) makes me think you'll see it in the movies as well.


Silver Knight of the Realm
In fact, they are doing that currently in the Rebels cartoon series with the Bendu who is neither lightside or darkside (his words), and did in Clone Wars with the Night Sisters of Dathomir who utilize the darkside but aren't Sith

Edit : Actually, while Kylo isn't Sith either, and in interviews I recall them discussing that Kylo believes he is doing the right thing which makes him such an interesting character. He may end up being seen as in the middle in the end. In most of the books in the new canon, they are making it a point to establish that in both sides of any conflict, either side thinks the are doing the right thing, rarely are there purely evil people just running around being dicks.

Yeah and they did it with the books, and they did it with the older cartoons and they did it in 40 video games that are great. But they NEVER do it in the movies. Kylo may be redeemed in the end but he wont be anything but all the way good or all the way evil. Also he is not "sith" because the last sith lord was thrown down a reactor shaft, as far as we know. Apprentices are not Sith unless they are raised to a title of the Sith.

There has never been, a "gray" jedi, even though QuiGon as a character is a kind of scumbag, Lucas only stated that there are absolutes of good and evil. There is never a Jedi who just "does it for themselves" or a morally ambiguous. Only Lawful Stupid or Sneeringly evil. This may change, but we have YET to see it in main continuity. I don't think they will because the story has to be kept as clean as possible in the main continuity. There won't be a Rey vs Finn Civil war battle of ideals sort of thing. I doubt we will ever see a Jedi force choke storm troopers and then shoot lightning at them and throw them out of an airlock like (My Hero) Kyle Katarn.

Until i see that blue haired fuck in a movie I will treat the cartoon like all the previous cartoons and all the books. "Starkiller" was supposed to be canon too.


Molten Core Raider
But they NEVER do it in the movies.

I think thats the glory of the disney pickup. I might be apart of the optimistic few, but in most interviews the way i've managed to interpt is that its eventually going to be a giant expanded universe but it all about easing us into it now. It's better to acclimate its fan base rather than making major shifts from the get go, esp that of Starwars. I mean we will see, we have the next 50 something years with this shit, year after year, movie after movie. As long as we throw money at it, its only going to continue.

I for one want to see bandits and outlaws that are force sensitive, and don't really care/want it; but proves useful in some ways or another. I want to see fanatic cults hell bent on the idea that blood letting increases force energy and are basically psychopaths. Shit i'd be happy with rancor tamers and night sisters from dathomir.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Boys from Brazil is an old 70's movie about Nazi's in Argentina, which Abrams admitted was his inspiration for TFA. "What if a bunch of Nazi's escaped to South America and...."

In the movie, Joseph Mengele creates a bunch of Hitler clones, but cloning Hitler isn't enough, he needs to provide an environment conducive to his upbringing. The clones were abandoned around the world and would "rise" at a certain period and....

Enter Rey. Abandoned on Jakku, to the care of a junk-dealer. Has amazing innate force powers, without training, great pilot, and a ton of parallels to Anakin. But Anakin lived a harsh childhood on Tatooine, and yet we also have that parallel on Jakku. Rey was the Empire's attempt at cloning Vader, and she's perhaps not the only one out there.

So we have Kylo, who as hard as he tries will never be Darth Vader.
And Rey, who is Vader, but wants no part of his legacy. The drama.

The Boys from Brazil might hold the key to Rey's true identity

Honestly, I think if any of the theories are right - it's this. The biggest implication is that Boys from Brazil had 94 clones of Hitler. Rey may not be the only Vader clone at all.


Avatar of War Slayer
The only way I would ok with "Rey is a clone of Anakin", is if we actually see 10 Reys or so. Killing each other. Fighting to be the One. etc, etc. cyborg Rey, light side Rey, Darkside rey. mohawk rey. Twilik Rey. Boy Rey, etc.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The only way I would ok with "Rey is a clone of Anakin", is if we actually see 10 Reys or so. Killing each other. Fighting to be the One. etc, etc. cyborg Rey, light side Rey, Darkside rey. mohawk rey. Twilik Rey. Boy Rey, etc.

SO essentially the plotline of Baldur's Gate with the Bhaalspawn. I would dig it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
ok.....those theories are getting worse each time

When trying to predict what will happen next in a piece of fiction there are a limited number of tools. There's the work itself and whether the author used foreshadowing or included clues. Then there's what the artist has said in regard to the work. Then his basic philosophical views, outlook on life, and general personality ...and finally, their collection of work or influences.

There's a bunch of stuff in TFA that is either extremely lazy writing (Mary Sue complex) with Rey being almost on the level of a Jedi Knight, being able to fly almost everything she touches, and speak almost every language despite being isolated in a desert.

This leaves two possibilities:

1. They wrote themselves into a corner as we nowhere in Star Wars lore has it ever been shown that a normal force-sensitive can "train" themselves. Ever. They basically fucked the pooch.

2. Rey is special as fuck. As in Anakin-level special, as he's the only character in Star Wars history that was able to display his powers without training. Whether she's Anakin? I don't know. But she's Luke's daughter, a random girl, or anything like that. She's more force sensitive than even Luke was.

The second is what I'm going to go with because if it's number 1, then the franchise is fucked.

So why is Rey special? We have to look at what Abrams (and others working on the project) have said, what else they've written, and make educated guesses. Boys in Brazil is an obvious influence on him, as if you've watched the movie, you notice fucking parallels between it and TFA. It WAS an influence for Episode VII.

So here's what we know. The Empire had a super secret base on Jakku that it defended at all costs and they were experimenting. Cloning in the Star Wars universe can be done, but a force user has never been cloned. They could have been knocking on a very particular door, cloning a force user. Who is the most powerful force user who's DNA they would have access to? Vader/Luke. That saber that was found? It had a hand that went along with it.

Girl shows up, Mary Sue's her way to victory. Very mysterious backstory and origin. If she was a random force user, it'd have been explained in the first scene. If she's Luke's daughter, they wouldn't go through this much secrecy about it., when you add it up Rey is most likely some incarnation, representation, or at least on the same level as Anakin Skywalker with a very interesting origin story (probably cloned).
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Rey and Anakin are the only two characters in Star Wars lore that have been shown to be able to speak all languages, have god-like piloting abilities, and use the force without being taught to do so. Both born on a desert planet, both lived as a slave, and I can go on and on. The parallels between their characters is enough to fill a fucking page. Rey and Anakin have far more in common than say Luke and Anakin.

The only two. Nobody, not even Luke, displays those qualities. So again, either they did a really terrible job writing the script or she's representative of Anakin, at least power-wise. She is not Luke's daughter. She is not a random being. Maybe she was born near some super force tree and is now one of the most powerful force users in the Galaxy, or something fucking crazy, but she is NOT a normal heroine.

I think the most likely explanation given these assumptions is that she's a clone of Anakin. That makes more sense than her being the chosen one reborn, and fits with the backstory we know about the "weird experimentation" being done.

Again, if her backstory wasn't super fucking significant we'd know it already. It's obviously a major plot point. She's not going to be Luke's daughter, buddy, no way in hell.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I haven't been surprised by a movie's twist since I was twelve. I saw The Prestige the other day, never heard a word about it before it showed up on TV, and had the ending figured out midway through the movie.

Very little literature or film these days is straightforward, as basically twist endings have become so commonplace that it's a twist to not include a fucking twist.

Rey can speak Wookie for fuck's sake. Nobody speaks Wookie. That basically confirms she's special as fuck. Did she learn how to speak that language by making sandcastles on Jakku? No. Either innate language knowledge is a characteristic of the chosen one, or it was programmed into her via experimentation.


<Gold Donor>
Triple posting aside, I'd like to commend you Wooly, for modifying your posting habits in a positive manner lately. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me at least, it makes a HUGE difference when you present something like this and say why you think it is true, versus what you used to do with saying that it was virtually an indisputable fact. I realize that my distinction might be meaningless to you, but when I read anything (not even just a SW theory on the internet) that is an opinion and the author tells me that it is a fact, I immediately bristle a little bit and want to rebel because he's essentially calling everyone else stupid if they don't agree, and even if it sounds plausible to me, there is always room to be wrong and it comes across as out of touch with reality because they refuse to admit that possibility exists.

I don't know whether or not I'm 100% on board with your theory, but I will say that I actually read them all the way through this time, and I am much more inclined to consider that you might be right. All because you laid out why you think it is true versus told us why (paraphrasing) we're fucking idiots if we don't see what you see.

So thank you for that. And please continue like this, because I know I love hearing theories that are at least somewhere in the realm of possibility. I'm definitely considering that you might be onto something here, and your Westworld ideas are very enticing, most definitely. It is having your theories rammed up my ass with no lube that I object to. So again, thank you.
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