Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Molten Core Raider
Fuck off. It was just a bad movie.

Is that why people here need to go supernova on their tinfoil hat nonsense to somehow convince themselves of a giant conspiracy that's hiding how the "secret majority" allegedly agrees with the minority of online haters to validate their dislike of the movie?

It's not a bad movie. It's a pretty good movie you happen to not like. Which is fine. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. It's just ridiculously childish how desperately people here fetch for delusional fantasies that convince themselves their own opinion is secretly what everyone else out there thinks too, because they're not secure enough in their own judgement to stand by it without some fake-news/largest-inauguration-crowd-style fictional validation of fictional masses backing them up.
  • 9Picard
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<Prior Amod>
If Disney throws out a shit movie, they get shit reviews like everyone else (e.g. recent Pirates movies).

TLJ just happens to be a good movie, and no amount of storm-in-a-teacup-raging by alt-right-snowflakes desperately trying to make a deluded social/political point by hating on the movie on reddit or Breitbart will change that.
is this rere farming picards?
cuz thats how you farm picards
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<Prior Amod>
Is that why people here need to go supernova on their tinfoil hat nonsense to somehow convince themselves of a giant conspiracy that's hiding how the "secret majority" allegedly agrees with the minority of online haters to validate their dislike of the movie?

It's not a bad movie. It's a pretty good movie you happen to not like. Which is fine. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. It's just ridiculously childish how desperately people here fetch for delusional fantasies that convince themselves their own opinion is secretly what everyone else out there thinks too, because they're not secure enough in their own judgement to stand by it without some fake-news/largest-inauguration-crowd-style fictional validation of fictional masses backing them up.
not sure if trolling or not, but lets try,

A basic makeup of a good modern movie:
  1. Good Story: A great movie must have a good plot that tells both an intriguing and unusual story.

  2. Suspense: Some element of the film must keep the audience on edge and make them eagerly anticipate a resolution.

  3. Originality: The film must present some new concept or idea that has hardly been explored by its predecessors. Some amount of creativity and innovation should invent never-before-seen content.

  4. Good Actors/Good Cinematography: No matter how great a job the writers did coming up with a story, it must be properly executed. The actors must convince the audience they are the characters they're portraying, and the camera crew must capture the scenes in a manner that best illustrates the story.

  5. Profound Message: Within the story there should be brought to light a particular moral or ethic.*

  6. Realism/Accuracy: A great film should portray events, people, etc. as they are in real-word settings despite controversial themes. Actions and interactions should be believable, plausible, and at least somewhat relatable.

  7. Good Setting: The characters must be placed inside an environment that contributes to their actions and interactions while also emphasizing the themes and moods of the film. The scenery should be pleasing to the eye while not detracting from the main focus of the scene.

  8. Soundtrack: I heavily subscribe to the adage "music is the language of the soul". Sound should compliment the visuals, but also help convey the emotion of each scene. If those two aspects contradict each other, diagetic and non-diagetic soundtracks should each support a separate element in opposition to the other.

  9. Composition: Everything must be arranged in a comprehensive manner that upholds the story.

  10. Special Effects: The film visuals must maintain a professional quality and stimulate the audience. Special effects should be used appropriately, when they compliment the emotion of each scene and support the setting.
TLJ only has cool cgi and soundtrack going for it, if you cut out all the human parts, you get a pretty nice glorious space battle.
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FPS noob
You're basically describing Star Trek Discovery bro.

Is Discovery heavy handed with its social and political messages? I recently binged through Orville and actually enjoyed it, went in expecting a full on social message shitstorm but it was pretty even handed and fun show.


<Prior Amod>
Is Discovery heavy handed with its social and political messages? I recently binged through Orville and actually enjoyed it, went in expecting a full on social message shitstorm but it was pretty even handed and fun show.
naw, it's right in your face about it


Trump's Staff
Is that why people here need to go supernova on their tinfoil hat nonsense to somehow convince themselves of a giant conspiracy that's hiding how the "secret majority" allegedly agrees with the minority of online haters to validate their dislike of the movie?

It's not a bad movie. It's a pretty good movie you happen to not like. Which is fine. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. It's just ridiculously childish how desperately people here fetch for delusional fantasies that convince themselves their own opinion is secretly what everyone else out there thinks too, because they're not secure enough in their own judgement to stand by it without some fake-news/largest-inauguration-crowd-style fictional validation of fictional masses backing them up.

Troll rated C-.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Is that why people here need to go supernova on their tinfoil hat nonsense to somehow convince themselves of a giant conspiracy that's hiding how the "secret majority" allegedly agrees with the minority of online haters to validate their dislike of the movie?

It's not a bad movie. It's a pretty good movie you happen to not like. Which is fine. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. It's just ridiculously childish how desperately people here fetch for delusional fantasies that convince themselves their own opinion is secretly what everyone else out there thinks too, because they're not secure enough in their own judgement to stand by it without some fake-news/largest-inauguration-crowd-style fictional validation of fictional masses backing them up.

You know I'll actually give you that. Purely as a movie yeah it's pretty good. Not great, but visually tremendous in a lot of places and has some good action scenes. I even like some of the characters. It's got a zillion plot holes. It's disjointed and full of contrived bullshit. There are extremely shallow character arcs (if any) and you don't care about anyone in the movie. That's just objectively looking at it as a movie in a vacuum.

As a Star Wars movie it completely blows which I wont bother ranting about again. If you don't care about the Stat Wars series it's something I can see you overlooking.

But as a blockbuster, just go watch like a Transformer movie, I guess it meets that bar.
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Got something right about marriage
Purely as a movie yeah it's pretty good. Not great, but visually tremendous in a lot of places and has some good action scenes. I even like some of the characters. It's got a zillion plot holes. It's disjointed and full of contrived bullshit. There are extremely shallow character arcs (if any) and you don't care about anyone in the movie. That's just objectively looking at it as a movie in a vacuum.

So purely as a movie it's pretty good. Except for all these things it's terrible at that are part of being a movie.
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Saor Alba
If Disney throws out a shit movie, they get shit reviews like everyone else (e.g. recent Pirates movies).

TLJ just happens to be a good movie, and no amount of storm-in-a-teacup-raging by alt-right-snowflakes desperately trying to make a deluded social/political point by hating on the movie on reddit or Breitbart will change that.

I'm left wing to the core of my weeping working class heart and I thought this film was shite.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
This was not the Star Wars movie you were looking for:

The Last Jedi Already Pulled From Chinese Theaters

This is gonna be a hard nut for them to crack. How to "update" the franchise to appeal more to the Chinese millennials who drive box office demand in China while not alienating it's traditional audience. Picking up $200M over there isn't worth loosing more than about $75M here under the current system unless they take an investment view of the exchange.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
This was not the Star Wars movie you were looking for:

The Last Jedi Already Pulled From Chinese Theaters

This is gonna be a hard nut for them to crack. How to "update" the franchise to appeal more to the Chinese millennials who drive box office demand in China while not alienating it's traditional audience. Picking up $200M over there isn't worth loosing more than about $75M here under the current system unless they take an investment view of the exchange.

They've all already seen Speed 1 and 2, so maybe don't design over half the movie on a ridiculous chase scene that we've seen some version of or another in that franchise.
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FPS noob
Some western dude who lives in China commented how chinese viewers didn't grow up with 4-6 so when they watch these newer movies they are a bit confused, like he heard people asking each other "How the fuck does a sword beat guns? What is this primitive tech?" hahaha

They also had to put in subtitles as each character appears first on screen to describe them, like when Luke shows up there is a whole paragraph on how he is a Jedi yadda and I'm sure a lot of it is gobblygook.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
They also had to put in subtitles as each character appears first on screen to describe them, like when Luke shows up there is a whole paragraph on how he is a Jedi yadda and I'm sure a lot of it is gobblygook.

Yeah they had character title cards, like what you would see in Creed every time a new fighter was introduced to the story.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They also had to put in subtitles as each character appears first on screen to describe them, like when Luke shows up there is a whole paragraph on how he is a Jedi yadda and I'm sure a lot of it is gobblygook.

Where is the barfs at


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
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Jive Turkey

Not to mention it's literally impossible because all of the events of Ep 7 and Ep 8 take place within a single week or thereabouts.

This is also a problem for the scale of the story. The OT feels epic because of the passage of time. When I watch Episode 4, I'm always surprised by how small it feels. It's mostly because the events of the movie all take place in a short period of time. It's not until Empire that the franchise takes on the grand scale. The new trilogy is throwing all that out the window.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
This is also a problem for the scale of the story. The OT feels epic because of the passage of time. When I watch Episode 4, I'm always surprised by how small it feels. It's mostly because the events of the movie all take place in a short period of time. It's not until Empire that the franchise takes on the grand scale. The new trilogy is throwing all that out the window.

Well least they haven't abandoned that completely. I doubt Solo is aiming for being a grand scale story but it does take place over a 6 year time span. Whatever problems it ends up having there's at least that.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
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Not even 1.5 billion will get