They froze it to protect the movie. It's staying there forever.guess my prediction was wrong, i thought the audience score would change once it fell out of the top 10, looks like it is going to ride the 86 to the end
i still cant rationalize watching this. i watched TLJ because Tolan of all people indicated it was a clusterfuck of clusterfucks and he wasnt wrong. it was amazingly bad, so bad that you had to watch it. all the buzz i got from this is too much fan service and cut scenes to cobble 2 or 3 films together into one. that doesnt sound funny bad, that sounds sad bad.Has anyone rewatched this now that good rips are out? Any changes in your mind or further solidified opinion?
None of it makes sense, since Vader didn't know wtf happened to obi-wan, it's clear he didn't learn it from him. Which means that if he learned it, he learned it while he was a sith, which again doesn't make sense since it's been shown to be exclusively a light side power.
So let's just pretend that it all makes internal sense and ignore all the inconsistencies
Where do you get that it's a light side power when clearly a sith learned it?
We never saw any other sith force ghosts in the movies, but there were some in EU. I cannot recall if we ever saw any in clone wars.
the novelization for revenge of the sith, it specifically states that only lightsiders can become force ghosts. there are obviously incongruities with force ghost, one of them being that it's possible to learn the ability AFTER you die. so even if ahsoka didn't get taught the ability, she IS a lightsider (though not a jedi) and could have learned it after she died.
Well, for me, it’s because well thought-out and executed entertainment is very enjoyable. I love experiencing great stories, then talking about them with my family and friends. I’d also love to see Disney recover from the SJW free-fall it appears to be in the midst of, and The Mandalorian seems to indicate it may be on the path.
What's your position? Why don't you want to see good Star Wars off-cinema content?
There is already more media than I can consume. It’s not a supply issue.
I don’t want any life breathed into Star Wars at this point. With how it’s been managed, and the explicit intent behind that mgmt, why would I prioritize another show of thousands over less financial benefit for Disney?
I’m not Tim Tebow, if you hate me I’m not going to hope you do well
It's a damned shame how you're being forced at gunpoint to watch them all then come to this thread and vomit all over it.
Maybe you should call the cops. Im no lawyer but it sounds like some of that must be illegal.
I don't watch them
I just swim in the resulting shit and vomit, which is ample for a good swim
Butt you do you. Keep giving them money.
he didnt say she wasnt dead, he could have, but he didnt. if all the other voices were from dead people then logically, her voice would mean she's dead too.From Filoni's own mouth. Continue autistic ghost rants.
Here's What Dave Filoni Had to Say About Ahsoka Tano's Voice in The Rise of Skywalker
Just because Rey heard Ahsoka Tano’s voice mixed in with a bunch of dead Jedi in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s dead. That’s the implication the character’s co-creator Dave Filoni gave io9 when we spoke to him this