Starfield - Fallout fallout that isn't ES6


<Silver Donator>
They ever fix the atrocious ship building UI?
Not sure. I know there have been a bunch of patches over the last handful of months, and I haven't fired it back up in maybe 6 months or so. I think there might be some mods out there that make it a little easier. I got used to it but yeah it's still kind of wonky.

I think one of the last patches had a bunch of new ship parts or something that you could use.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
There's a game out there, that will combine procedural generation with AI, combining that AI to all NPCs and quest givers and allow for true freedom of movement and expression.

Like a video game Holodeck.
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<Silver Donator>
There's a game out there, that will combine procedural generation with AI, combining that AI to all NPCs and quest givers and allow for true freedom of movement and expression.

Like a video game Holodeck.
I'm sure one day that will probably be the case. It'll probably be pretty amazing if you're the first to really tap into that technology. Something like starfield having that capability would be outstanding, or fallout or any other big open world game.

I don't know maybe 5 years down the road 10 years, not really sure, but maybe it'll actually happen sooner though we expect.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I mean, using AI procedural gen, imagine a game with hundreds/thousands of star systems, and each star system has at least 1 world that is literally a full Fallout game. Its own world, history, NPCs, quests, etc. Nobody's playthrough would ever be the same.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
I'm sure one day that will probably be the case. It'll probably be pretty amazing if you're the first to really tap into that technology. Something like starfield having that capability would be outstanding, or fallout or any other big open world game.

I don't know maybe 5 years down the road 10 years, not really sure, but maybe it'll actually happen sooner though we expect.
There was a video I saw about a year ago that already had a full game city occupied entirely by AI-driven NPCs.

How hard it would be to make a game around that, I don't know, but with the AI doing all the on-the-fly GM'ing, using assets provided by the game engine, it doesn't seem that far off.

But what do I know, I'm just a bear, I bite the heads off of fish.

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<Silver Donator>
There was a video I saw about a year ago that already had a full game city occupied entirely by AI-driven NPCs.

How hard it would be to make a game around that, I don't know, but with the AI doing all the on-the-fly GM'ing, using assets provided by the game engine, it doesn't seem that far off.

But what do I know, I'm just a bear, I bite the heads off of fish.

Oh I definitely think it's in the future, that's just what game studio is going to capitalize on it first, and maybe use whatever IP, or possibly generate their own.

I know that was one of the big things with MMOs where GM related events what's a pretty big deal and really did make it a fun experience if you were playing whatever game, but if they can integrate all of that stuff into the game itself, it'll be a money printer.

Think about something like those survival games where the servers reset after a month or whatever. Just have some things that trigger based on AI everything life cycle of the server, based upon the actions of the people playing, it could be pretty wild.

I guess the problem is the AI isn't going to generate like new assets of monsters, enemies, etc. I'm sure I could do quests and stuff, or divert mobs towards an area that has a lot of activity, but is there going to come up with just completely random a new creative stuff? I really don't know.

I think the country is going to burn before any of us are able to enjoy something of that nature...😉
  • 1Worf
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<Gold Donor>
Future AI controlled games will be recording your thoughts and processing you for hard labor in the mines re-education camps for wrongthink or misgendering an AI NPC.

You guys forgot who controls the LLMs and AIs and expecting it to be used for...entertainment?
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I mean, using AI procedural gen, imagine a game with hundreds/thousands of star systems, and each star system has at least 1 world that is literally a full Fallout game. Its own world, history, NPCs, quests, etc. Nobody's playthrough would ever be the same.

We are a very long way from that. Or at the very least, a very long way from something that isn't crappy. And unless it is all run server side, you'll probably need a decent PC to run the AI stuff locally for the game.

It would be cool, but I suspect it will be another decade+ before we get anything even slightly ok that doesn't seem like a derivative copy-paste
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<Gold Donor>
Plus they would never make a game like that because why? Why make a game with endless content when they can make 10 games with limited content. Economics of it just dont make sense unless they charge a monthly fee or some shit. Wold be great for an MMO though with paid sub for sure.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm sure some GAAS title would love to have something continue to generate content with very little human intervention.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I mean, using AI procedural gen, imagine a game with hundreds/thousands of star systems, and each star system has at least 1 world that is literally a full Fallout game. Its own world, history, NPCs, quests, etc. Nobody's playthrough would ever be the same.
But part of the fun of the game is shared, repeatable experiences. Randomly generated content that can never be repeated SOUNDS great but what happens when you *want* to repeat something? Hand crafted content will always be king. Now, they may use aids to help or automate in that process, and I don't see how they spend as much as they do with the tools provided to them *COUGH$400MCONCORDCOUGH* but the sci-fi idea of AI and the practical implementation use of it are two different things entirely.

Maybe the AI can have maps of cities in at launch, though.


<Gold Donor>
Future AI controlled games will be recording your thoughts and processing you for hard labor in the mines re-education camps for wrongthink or misgendering an AI NPC.

You guys forgot who controls the LLMs and AIs and expecting it to be used for...entertainment?
Why wouldn't you just use your own AI? Not exactly hard to do, lol.

I can definitely see a world where AI can really enhance a game. You could actually recapture the magic of original EQ where there wasn't fucking guides for everything if content was dynamic and quests were actually unique.

That said, don't expect anything like that to appear in the next decade. Maybe in a few more.
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