Trakanon Raider
- 1,845
- 643
It's because they're playing "Catch Up To Marvel" as opposed to letting the characters develop over multiple movies. Gotta jam as much shit as humanly possible into each one, otherwise they'll never hit The Avengers.
This brothers me so much bc it's not like they have to ducking rush out product truth be told other then the Jesus moments in man of steel that was.a.great.stepping stone to a bigger (dc) universe. BvS was a massive let down too much shit in one movie and am afraid ww is going to be rush p.o.s. please do the marvel thing take your time and do origins story first flash // aqua man etc etc
This guy was maybe the best comic relief in the film, Ike needs to get more roles. Waller was the villain technically, she killed thousand of people with bungling enchantress, then gave away the location of all the top secret locations to Enchantress/Incubus. No idea why Flag would ever work with her again
His character really was enjoyable I like the inner action he had all his lines tbh.