Watched it today. I'm pretty easy to please, so I enjoyed it, but it had some pretty big problems.
The good:
- Lots of style. It was certainly style over substance, but if I'm going to be dazzled by rainbow colors and pop songs and kitschy text overlays, I want it to be on a big screen.
- I really, really liked the way enchantress looked at the beginning of the movie. The smoke-and-embers, silhouette with lit-up eyes look was awesome. It was a disappointment when she turned into a cheesy sci-mutant priestess with eyeballs in her headdress.
- There was humor! I chuckled at several scenes.
- Fun characters. Sure, you don't have a chance to get to know any of them very well, but they had decent chemistry and were fairly interesting.
- Robbie and Smith did a great job with their characters.
The bad:
- Extremely disjointed, hard to follow plot that makes no fucking sense.
- The fact that the main villain only came to power because of the actions taken to stop such a villain. I can't stress how much this annoyed me. "The next Superman may be evil! We need to create a team that can stop oh shit one of the team is the next evil Superman."
- Guess which member of the team dies? Hint: It's the only one that gets no intro. So stupid.
- I don't mind Leto's Joker, but he was just written as crazy for the sake of being crazy with no context or reason for any of his mannerisms. He's lying in a room in the middle hundreds of knives laid out in concentric circles and laughs maniacally... Because he's crazy, get it?
pretty bad when the best scene of the movie is Boomerang grabbing his beers and dipping out of the bar.
I loved that scene. As he walked out I figured "So he's going to do his own thing, then have a crisis of conscious and show up to save the others at a critical point." But no, he just re-joined them seconds later. What the fuck was the point of that?