Book 6 has been really good as well. Rudy, Eris & Ruijerd make it all the way back to Eris' home town. Ruijerd explains how much she's grown as a swords woman, and explains that she's much stronger now than when he first met her. They make it to the first large city of the continent, and man-god appears in Rudy's dream, telling him how to save his other sister and maid. He stops his sister from being captured by the castle guards, and then sends a letter to Roxy like the man-god suggests. Roxy isn't at the palace any longer, and the 6th prince intercepts the letter, who wants to turn Roxy into a sex slave. He lures Rudy to the castle, under the pretense that he'll get to see Roxy that way, and is trapped inside of a magic chamber that doesn't allow him to finish casting any spells. He encounters the Prince's older brother, the 5th prince, who is the super strong guy from later in the Anime. The older brother discovers Rudy's Ruijerd statue, and decides to become Rudy's student. He frees Rudy from the magic chamber before they decide to meet up again in the future. A little further on the journey, they encounter the Dragon God, Orsted. He somehow knew exactly who Eris and Ruijerd were, says that Paul never had a son before. Rudy tries talking to him, and Orsted asks him if he's ever heard of the man god. When Rudy says he's appeared in his dreams, Orstead quickly punches him through the lungs, then knocks out Ruijerd and Eris. While walking away, Rudy hits him with the hardest, fastest stone cannon he can summon, before actually dying. Rudy awakens with the man-god again, and still has the hole in his chest. While talking, the man-god says that he isn't dead, but also says that Orsted is cursed, so the man-god doesn't have the ability to see where he is. That's why he never warned Rudy earlier about mentioning his dreams with Orsted. Turns out the girl walking with Orsted suggests that Rudy be saved, so Orsted heals him completely before continuing his walk. Once the three of them are back to normal, they decide to continue the journey to take Eris home. Right outside of the village, Ruijerd decides to go on his way so that Eris & Rudy can return to their village without him being a distraction. When they get to the village, they see that it's completely different than it used to be. Where the previous city and Eris's home was is now a field, and people have set up a small community living in tents and basic wooden structures. The "new" liege lord of the town decided that Eris's grandfather is responsible for the teleportation crisis. Then he is executed. Eris's mother and father are discovered dead by Ghislaine, in the outskirts of the war zone that she was teleported to. They were both dead and she noticed their bodies while walking through. Eris demands that she be left alone for a while, so Rudy and Ghislaine meet with the butler to discuss the future. The butler wants Eris to become the new side piece of her uncle, who is the current liege lord of the area, so that way she can secure the city being rebuilt for all of the people who were teleported away. Rudy isn't interested in that, and Ghislaine says she should just be with Rudy and far away from the area. Nothing is really resolved by the meeting, and Rudy goes back to his room alone. Later on, Eris drops by in a black night gown thing. They have sex and then the story turns to Eris's view point. It looks back over how she was so happy to beat a distracted Ruijerd in a sparring match, and then is quickly beaten herself with the new demon eye'd Rudy. She realizes just how helpless she is against him, so she's always trying to make herself stronger so she can stand by his side without burdening him. She wanted to finally have sex with him because she knew she was leaving the village to continue training where Ghislaine became a sword saint. She wants to be stronger so she doesn't embarrass Rudy. The next morning when Rudy wakes up, Eris is not around. She left him a note saying they are not ready yet, so she will go train and hopefully meet him again in the future. He's horribly depressed, and goes off to try finding other survives from the teleportation incident.
That's where I am right now. This book has been very good, and helping fill in the story even more. I should be done with it and onto book 7 by Monday.