Survivor: Blood vs. Water


Blackwing Lair Raider
I agree I think they really screwed up by trying to stick with the two tribe format at the beginning. This kind of theme just doesn't play well with that format in my opinion. But hell I still don't think this theme plays well period. At any rate, they honestly should have done it big brother style and just had everyone merged from the get go. Or did like they did a few seasons ago where they had more than two tribes, and NOT had redemption.

But alas, they didn't. The only thing so far is Brad: you already have a built in target on a newbie tribe of being strong, not sure it was wise of him to take vocal stand out (leader) role as well. I'm not surprised he's where he is at right now. If the preview ends up being true, then the returning players tribe is almost guaranteed to win out until merge.

Depending on who gets voted out, I do think this season has some potential come merge. But we still have Redemption to deal with still...


I have been a long time big brother fan but never watched survivor before... I am really impressed by the complexities of their competitions. Its a shame that some of these can't or wont translate over to Big brother.


Mr. Poopybutthole
But alas, they didn't. The only thing so far is Brad: you already have a built in target on a newbie tribe of being strong, not sure it was wise of him to take vocal stand out (leader) role as well. I'm not surprised he's where he is at right now. If the preview ends up being true, then the returning players tribe is almost guaranteed to win out until merge.
I feel like Brad is entirely too nice/honest for a game like Survivor. You could tell he really wanted to play the game, but he just couldn't lie for shit. Was especially evident at tribal council. He could've shut his mouth or lied or something, but he just didn't have it in him. And then at the end he wanted everyone to know that he wasn't taking it personally. I bet he's the kind of guy that gets together for beers with friends he had in 2nd grade.


<Prior Amod>
I have been a long time big brother fan but never watched survivor before... I am really impressed by the complexities of their competitions. Its a shame that some of these can't or wont translate over to Big brother.
we can talk, i've watched 80% of all big brother seasons and now 90% of all survivor seasons.

i guess you'll be one of the ppl to agree that hayden is playing just like hayden, he'll be boring all season, but prolly come out ahead.


Life's a Dream
Well, I don't watch much television as it stands, and reality TV is something I'm just not interested in.

I'd much rather watch a drama.


Well, I don't watch much television as it stands, and reality TV is something I'm just not interested in.

I'd much rather watch a drama.
So instead you came into this thread just to criticize the people that enjoy a show, yet you don't so clearly we're in the wrong? Go suck shit through 12 bricks.


<Prior Amod>
I feel like Brad is entirely too nice/honest for a game like Survivor. You could tell he really wanted to play the game, but he just couldn't lie for shit. Was especially evident at tribal council. He could've shut his mouth or lied or something, but he just didn't have it in him. And then at the end he wanted everyone to know that he wasn't taking it personally. I bet he's the kind of guy that gets together for beers with friends he had in 2nd grade.
actually i think brad studied survivor, he just seems like he is too ready for it.

i'm surprised candice didn't just cuss out everyone. yea i'm sure you're all saying that she's in game mode, but there's no game to play here, she and jon are on redemption island, and while i think she is actually one of the top 5 female competitor survivors, you could easily loose it. there's just no reason to have redemption island, actually redeem you, it's just a cheap ploy to eek out more drama. (which in this season of family members is actually useful)

i have zero faith in jon going far in the RI challenges, but i'd still place my bets on Candice, from the seasons i saw the only good/great female competitors (in competitions) are candice/parvati/stephani and rc was an amazing swimmer.

candice has zero social game. in s13 her only social move was to betray her tribe of minorities (which ended up going to F4) and hook up with adam. and in HvV, she was non-existant cuz she has no personality, and her only social game was to try to align with colby cuz everyone else had an alliance and she just accepted russel cuz he needed a flip, and that's what she does. Which is probably why she was casted out first, not only was she and jon the last minute late edition, but when candice flipped she really pissed off rupert and imo that's when the villians just took over and controlled the game, rupert doesn't seem to forget anything and carries all the emo stuff with him. he probably just muttered "candice/candice" outloud, when they were writing names.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Damn Araxen nice post, that was funny as hell. I remembered she was dumb but I had forgotten about that.

I thought this week was a great fucking episode. I think Brad is all right but my wife hates him. I'm not a big football lover or anything but maybe guys like him and women think he's a douche for some weird reason.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I feel like Brad is entirely too nice/honest for a game like Survivor. You could tell he really wanted to play the game, but he just couldn't lie for shit. Was especially evident at tribal council. He could've shut his mouth or lied or something, but he just didn't have it in him. And then at the end he wanted everyone to know that he wasn't taking it personally. I bet he's the kind of guy that gets together for beers with friends he had in 2nd grade.
Which is completely odd considering he took up practicing law after retiring from the NFL...

I too watch BB and Survivor, and Hayden so far is playing an identical game to his Big Brother game: Low key. I mean even down to an all guy alliance. I'm shocked he didn't suggest naming it the brigade. Which for me is a good thing, because I actually like the guy. Here's to hoping him and Vytas make it far, and after this week, Caleb too. However, while another discussion thread is liking this season so far, for me it's still a stinker. Primarily because I hate it when one tribe just dominates. Makes it boring for me.

And on challenges making it to Big Brother, I have always wished for that. At least Survivor mixes them up a little. Big Brother seems to do the exact same challenges with different art themes every year in almost the same order. However, Survivor's are usually more spread out and Big Brother only has that little courtyard to work with.


<Prior Amod>
having marathoned seasons 3-26, i can say that all the challenges are as recycled as BB's challenges. The previous "box" challenge is just a mash up of a s4 challenge to make a boat and bring back boxes, and is a smaller not as heavy version of the box/stair with tribal name on the side as HvV.

i think it's almost a staple now to have the 1 guy caller, the rest blindfolded, walk out and pick up puzzle pieces.

i'm pretty sure the RI challenges are all repeats as well, nothing new since RI challenges have to negate strength and only seem to focus on preseverance/balance/speed/accuracy/luck/puzzle.


Trakanon Raider
It's not as recycled, though. On this season of Big Brother, it's so bad that they even knew what type of challenge was coming before it happened, so they were quizzing each other on it. Survivor has repeated stuff, but it's not that often and not as blatant. There's a lot of aspects that get repeated (swimming and untying boxes...or following a rope around a beam, for instance), but usually they'll at least change the puzzle. Stuff repeats, but it's not EVERY SEASON like Big Brother. I love Big Brother as much as anyone, but it's not even close.


<Prior Amod>
maybe not recycled, but formulaic, it was basically mcray saying, this usually happens right now, so...

it was just like in s14 when ian got the dog suit he said (afterwards, and played it off as an experience) that the "suit" to wear is the least harmful, usually everything that comes afterwards is a punishment (and he didn't want to steal a prize).

big brother voting is also formulaic, in survivor i guess they tally up the votes and re-arrange it for suspense, that's fine. In BB votes are casted live, and the "swing vote" is always the last or next to last HG. basically it can out a flipflopper

plus we do have to give a lot of leeway towards BB, it's 70ish? days vs survivor's 39 days, how many challenges per season?

i "feel" like there are more endurance (last man standing) challenges in BB than survivor, but that's cuz you come into BB as an individual, whereas with survivor you play as a tribe first then merge, then you usually get the stand on a totem pole challenge stuff.

with that BB endurance challenges are better, BUT that's because they are basically on a "set" and can afford to have like running water spray ppl, or cannons that shoot baseballs and fricking electricity.

survivor endurance is basically

how many coconuts can you hold?
how long can you hold this pole straight?
hug a totem pole
hug the sides of a wall
don't drown in a crate
stand on a stick in water
balance something while standing on something unbalanced


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Big Brother really needs a shake-up to it's formula. Hopefully Grodner leaving comes true.

The thing I like about the RI challenges is they don't weight more heavily to one gender or the other. On Big Brother there are a lot of challenges that cater to the men(usually endurance). This last season though was an outlier because there were so many smokers and out of shape/lazy/dumb people on it this season.