God damn it. The board update ate my big survivor post.
I was disappointed with the Adam win. I thought he played an active, but pretty poor game. I was rooting for Hannah at the end. I think in the end, the million dollars usually goes to the person that the jury likes most. They look at gameplay, but then they just rationalize that whoever they want to vote for played the best game. Chris' speech at FTC was a good example of this. Ken was right to point out that Adam didn't have a damn thing to do with him flipping on David, but Chris invented that narrative to rationalize who he wanted to vote for. In the end, survivor is about relationships, not "big moves". You have to be strategic enough to get to the end, but you also need the relationships to get people to vote for you. I'm sure the Mom story had an effect as well. I imagine Jay told everybody about it at Ponderosa.
I wonder if Adam had known that he would be missing his Mom's last month alive if he would have played. Seems like spending time with your loved one is more important than playing Survivor, especially since they told him he could play next year instead, but of course they didn't know that she would die that soon.
David's fake idol was amazing. Jay's confessionals talking about it were so hilarious.
With regard to Jeff talking shit, he always does that when people fuck up. I'm sure it's distracting, but he does it in every challenge and I'm sure that making it harder to concentrate is part of the reason he does it.
Disappointing winner or not, it was a great season. Looking ahead to next season, I can't believe they are bringing Sandra back again. She should really be the first boot if there's any justice in the world. Even though I am on record for years saying that Russell was an entertaining but terrible Survivor player, she was still a million dollar goat.
I liked Cierra's game when she played before. Looking forward to what she's like now that she's a bit older. Ditto for Andrea. I don't think Tony's strategy that he won with would have worked in any other season and I don't expect much from him. Tai coming back was inevitable. I think of him kind of like Rupert though, he's weird and funny and we like him but we've seen him and don't really need to see him again. Michaella will be entertaining again, but I still don't think that she can win. Not sure what the point of bringing back JT and Ozzie was. They are likeable and great in challenges, but neither of them had any game outside of that. I suppose it will be fun to see them going against each other, although Ozzie is getting some years on him now and has to have slowed down a bit. I'm glad to see Aubry getting another chance. I'm not sure how she will do, but she has a talent for connecting with people which is pretty valuable in Survivor. I think that Cirie has too much baggage from prior seasons, especially since some of the people on her tribe played with her before, and she will probably get booted early.
The rest of them don't interest me that much. Hali Ford and Sierra Dawn-Thomas I don't even remember but they could have played during the period that I didn't watch.