There I shortened that up for you. Although the players had little to do with it's failure.::this game failed because of it's whiny players:: ::WoW clones are bad::
There I shortened that up for you. Although the players had little to do with it's failure.::this game failed because of it's whiny players:: ::WoW clones are bad::
You hit the nail on the head.swtor's fate was sealed long before any public outcry. the game has bigger problems than the engine which frankly has received undue criticism. the developers banked on the creation of alts to drive the game's long-term success, but the problem is that the stories aren't that exciting and there's little variation to warrant visiting the same areas over and over and over. it's basically a solo adventure through lifeless environments and there's no endgame content. i'm actually astounded that some people have been playing this for months.
Let's not rag on piles of shit, at least it has some useful purpose.And for my first post.. I deem this game the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen. The biggest disappointment of my gaming life, so bad a consumer of all shit Star Wars like myself won't even play it.
Yeah... it is starting to feel a little recycled. But...moontayle_sl said:I like how this thread keeps getting all the way down into the second page because pretty everything that could be said, good or bad, about this game has been said so there's no need to keep holding the same discussion over and over again.
That was funny as shit. Maybe there should be two separate threads? One for discussions for fans/current players and one for everyone gulping the haterade (myself included, I know). I don't see a point in arguing with folks when there are two different opinions on the game. I can see how it would suck being a fan of something, then being told that it's a shit rag constantly.Swagdaddy_sl said:I'll enjoy talking about this abortion of an IP all damn day.
Or the fanboys can learn to suck it up, its a discussion board not an agreement board. irrational need to white knight ANY game, good or bad is just ridiculous. learn to roll with it, state your case and move on, no need to take it personal that people aren't digging what you dig and aren't willing to overlook what you are. Bet the GW2 thread is 10X worse on both fronts, but I wouldn't know for sure cause I give no fucks about that title. I hate TOR 'cause I care.That was funny as shit. Maybe there should be two separate threads? One for discussions for fans/current players and one for everyone gulping the haterade (myself included, I know). I don't see a point in arguing with folks when there are two different opinions on the game. I can see how it would suck being a fan of something, then being told that it's a shit rag constantly.
pretty sure the game is a giant money pit that has never made money and never will. Costs were just out of control, somewhere between $150-300m depending on who you believe. It sold under 2m copies retail (over a year), but lost half the subs within the first 6 months and didn't get a lot of new players after that. Lots of Bioware (ex) employees said last year said that Bioware cancelled all 2012 employee bonuses because SWTOR lost so much money - bonuses were not tied to your product but how Bioware did as a whole, sucked for all the people who worked on Mass Effect 3. At best the game has pulled in under $100m in revenue while costing many times that, not even including the unknown royalties they need to pay to Lucasarts for the Star Wars brand. Plus their monthly expenses when they went live were huge, between way too many servers and staff.Hate on this game all you want, its still one of the more sucessful mmos that came out since WoW and one of the more memorable ones too. Even if EA didnt get to swim piles of money like they thought they would.
Yeah I thought I was gonna end up playing it this way too. Then I went and played through Mass Effect 3 again and realized how much shit they wrapped around what could have been a magnificent gem as KOTOR 3. Not to mention the F2P changes to the leveling curve turn it from a generally fun and casual experience to a stressful game of catch-up with only orange and red quests available and all the good loot dangled right outside of your reach.Currently, I play the game for fun just like a single player one. I do not play it for all the social and acquisition goodies of MMOs past. I personally think EA are fools as they have given away the best part of the game, the class story lines, for free and push for people to pay to play the treadmill game.
The people who bitch about the game are the same ones who use logic to tell you why. Let's say you dropped $60 on the box and paid for a months sub at $14.99 (plus a month free right I think) so that gives you $75 invested into the game. Let us also suppose the person has a job so in those two months they played for 50 hours. That means for every entertainment hour they have spent $1.50. I wasn't dumb fuck enough to buy the game after having played beta but I could see why someone would get pissy over this amount of $1.50/ hour. That is expensive. With MMO's the "deal" comes when you start spending hundreds or thousands of hours logged in and engaged in the short term they are worse deals than single player games. So anyone who bought the box and the sub and hated the shit has a reason to cry shenanigans. I almost feel a twinge of pity for those clueless dimwits who bought the collector's edition at $150 as that dramatically increases the price point per hour. So we're clear yes $1.50 is cheaper than a movie, soda, and popcorn but that's why I don't go to the fucking movies very often. I tend to go see the big ticket films for the theater experience and then get the rest on red box/Netflix/Amazon/torrent. As a frame of reference watching 50 hours of TV costs me $1.00 per hour. Surfing the Internet for 50 hours with my fast as shit Internetz costs me $1.20. I bought Skyrim when it came out for $60 and have put 317 hours into it total which gives me a price of about $0.19/hour (pro tip that's a good deal fuck stick). I have been playing Rift since release and even after buying literally everything I could for the game including subs for a year at a time I am currently at $0.70/hour with about 9 months of "free" sub time left. Diablo 3 I paid $60 bucks for and I think I have put about 30ish hours into it across all characters which gives me $2.00/hour (guess which game that I bought in 2011 gave me the biggest disappointment). Disappointment is not (at the very least not entirely) "in the eyes of the beholder" it usually is a simple matter of fucking numbers.
P.S. Best deal ever was the Orange Box which I grabbed for $50 on release and between Half-Life, Half Life 2, plus episodes, plus TF2, plus portal I have a total of 600ish hours into it putting me around $0.08/hour.