Two pilots and one stewardess survive a plane crash and drift for days in the ocean until they reach a small isolated island, in the middle of nowhere.
After some days, they get the idea that no one is coming to rescue them. It's a sad moment but life goes on, and the survivors sets up a camp, eat fish, drink coconut milk, and fall asleep under the beautiful sky. Some weeks pass.
One day, the stewardess says:
- "Okay guys, we know we're here for a long time, possibly for ever. I know you have needs, and I have needs too. We are good friends, we know each other well ... I think we can do something : I could have sex everyday, one day with one of you, and the other one on the next day, etc. And if anything goes wrong, if one of us wants to stop for any reason, we just stop without asking any question. What do you think ?"
The two pilots look at each other shyly and finally approve. It's the beginning of a new life. They make love every other day, everyone is satisfied, and they all live happy together.
Sadly, one day, the stewardess get sick. And after a few weeks of painful fever and headaches, she dies. The two pilots are very affected. But they decide to be strong, and try to keep living as they can. One day, one of them tells the other:
- "You know ... we know each other for a long time, and after all we've been through, I think we could try ... you know..."
The other pilot answers :
- "Man, I was thinking the same thing. Let's try, and if one of us wants to stop, no questions, we just stop."
And then, they have a sex again, and everything is fine again. Until one day, one of them tell the other
- "Hey ... I'm sorry but, you know, I feel bad about it, it's not as good as it was, it doesn't feel the same. We said that we could stop at any time, so, yeah, I think I want to stop".
- "Oh boy, I totally agree, it's not the same, we can stop, no problem."
- "So ... should we bury her ?"