Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
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I was never so proud of my son when he asked me to turn off one of the early episodes of Obi Wan where the Leia kid actress was running through the woods trying to get away from a Red Hot Chili Pepper. We never watched the show again and haven't watched any Star Wars shows since.For the people actually planning on watching this, why? For real, I'm curious. Besides the first half of the first season of Mando, what gives you the confidence that they will do Star Wars right this time?
One scene (and there were other really good ones) does not justify sitting through hours of boring shit. Echo has the same problem, with having to sit through deaf magical squaw ninja just to get to the Kingpin parts. The fact that this is going to be super saiyen lesbian woke makes it even worse.Did you miss the payoff of those episodes with the very last scene of the finale?
You're making a convincing early run for this year's annual inaugural @Ambiturner bad take award
*shrug* I liked all the factory prison episodes as some nice world building on how the empire worked, not to mention how it actually tied into the story line and changing Cassian into what he was/is in Rogue 1. Think I have watched the season 3 times now w/o fast forwarding any of it.One scene (and there were other really good ones) does not justify sitting through hours of boring shit. Echo has the same problem, with having to sit through deaf magical squaw ninja just to get to the Kingpin parts. The fact that this is going to be super saiyen lesbian woke makes it even worse.
*shrug* I liked all the factory prison episodes as some nice world building on how the empire worked, not to mention how it actually tied into the story line and changing Cassian into what he was/is in Rogue 1.
Think I have watched the season 3 times now w/o fast forwarding any of it.
I mean, I'm kinda thinking about watching it again, now that we are talking about it.Are you ok?
Arcane, Edgerunners, silo, Andor. Iron man, winter soldier, gotg1. godzilla minus one are all some solid examples. even Dune is pretty well liked. one piece is a remarkable feat for such a hard to adapt manga.I am genuinely curious what some of you people want out of your entertainment options. There's a section of very loud "fans" that just seem to hate everything. Anything that isnt hard-core revenge porn is considered 'woke' and any attempt to expand on existing material is 'shitting on the canon'. Do you people want no other entertainment options besides medical and police procedurals?
you assume we are just screaming in nerd rage and ripping up our Chewbacca posters while crying. in reality we see a pile of shit like this and think, oh what is this pile of shit? it doesnt look like the Star Wars i loved. then i put it out of my mind until the next time i see somebody bump this thread or upload a new video on youtube. in reality, nobody cares about Star Wars anymore. the horrible prequels and the even more horrible Disney sequels made sure that i never get excited about this franchise ever again. Mando was good for a while, but ultimately that turned to shit too.I am genuinely curious what some of you people want out of your entertainment options. There's a section of very loud "fans" that just seem to hate everything. Anything that isnt hard-core revenge porn is considered 'woke' and any attempt to expand on existing material is 'shitting on the canon'. Do you people want no other entertainment options besides medical and police procedurals?
Bad writing kills 90% of what I watch and fast, and I really really really try to turn my brain off.
But just in case:
If you have five or twelve hours to spare, Mauler doing EFAP reminds me of olden days sitting around D&D tables or some other RPG table just nerding it up about books or movies.Shout out to Mauler for dispelling the Filoni Jesus myth.
Couldn't even rip off a Buffy story arc from the 90s.
its a fucking miracle that this thing was even made. Disney is going to bomb hard this year, Deadpool isnt going to save it. dont forget we still supposedly have Snow White coming out this year. though i am starting to doubt that, but who knows. i also thought Acolyte would never see the light of day.Season 2 cancelled already. Show runner fired and trying to sue as they wanted her for a bunch of other projects.