This seems like a somewhat easily attainable goal. Just hit up Petsmart on the way home.I wish.
Make sure you tie a really good knot on that string, otherwise that's an embarrassing conversation in the emergency room.Upon further investigation, Ruby Rhod, yes, it is actually called gerbiling.
NSFW YouTube - it's a radio host talking about one such incident. Yes, older than the interwebs, welcome to 2000, whatever. It's amusing.Make sure you tie a really good knot on that string, otherwise that's an embarrassing conversation in the emergency room.
Olympic Weightlifter. I had a huge hard on for Vasiliy Alekseyev when I was a kid.What do you find more attractive on a man: A shelf ass or the barrel chest?
Meta question: What's more attractive: Olympic weight lifters or curlbros?
Theminionexists for a reason. Warning, can't be unseen.Uhm... wow... if only my brother-in-law was gay, he would be right in your wheelhouse apparently Blackyce.