The Astronomy Thread


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
And we live in a world where the Soviets designed a 100% autonomous shuttle copy that had a jet engine and could fly itself. Was so capable it was able to abort its initial landing then turn around and land a second time due to cross winds.

The competency crisis is something else.
The thing is, the Starliner could do that. That's how it worked during the non-crewed test flight to the ISS.

Then, for some reason, they decided to REMOVE that part of code. Because when you want to finish certification, of course you change all of your code, and it's not as if the code caused your first test to fail...

Everything about this is crazy.
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<Gold Donor>
I'm going to buy Boeing & Intel stock, Then I too can feel like the starliner crew and burn through cash!
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>

TL;DW: The software is there, but since we never expected to fly a Starliner without people onboard, we never tested it, because it saved us money.
Also: it's a subcontractor's fault for those failing thrusters! Not us, not us!
And the conclusion: we have seen every fault, we don't need another test after this, we can be certified. We can, right? Right, guys?

(the usual Scott Manyley tagline, "Fly Safe" is particularly funny in this one)
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Sanrith Descartes

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TL;DW: The software is there, but since we never expected to fly a Starliner without people onboard, we never tested it, because it saved us money.
Also: it's a subcontractor's fault for those failing thrusters! Not us, not us!
And the conclusion: we have seen every fault, we don't need another test after this, we can be certified. We can, right? Right, guys?

(the usual Scott Manyley tagline, "Fly Safe" is particularly funny in this one)

Boeing was once run by engineers. It was peak. It is now run by the finance guys. It is now shit.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
fwiw the new CEO is an engineer. I imagine Boeing's issues are so systemic that it's basically impossible for even a world class CEO to make much progress, but who knows.

It would take most of a decade even for the most capable and motivated leader to overhaul that company. Just imagine the institutional knowledge they've lost with expert engineers being frustrated with the McDonnell Douglas culture and moving on.
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Sanrith Descartes

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It would take most of a decade even for the most capable and motivated leader to overhaul that company. Just imagine the institutional knowledge they've lost with expert engineers being frustrated with the McDonnell Douglas culture and moving on.
When the best and brightest can just go to SpaceX.


<Gold Donor>


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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
It would take most of a decade even for the most capable and motivated leader to overhaul that company. Just imagine the institutional knowledge they've lost with expert engineers being frustrated with the McDonnell Douglas culture and moving on.
Then you add to both corporate and governmental bureaucracy getting in the way through various mandates such as DEI and other shit and you realise it's not only an uphill battle, but a sheer cliff face. This is true of most, if not all companies and organisations in America and much of Europe now. It will take a systemic shock to shake things lose once more and pave the way to meritocracy and competency again.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Boeing's issue has less to do with that and more to do with the fact most of the workforce that made them great retired and they prioritized profits over maintaining quality.

Then you have shiny new places like SpaceX vacuuming up all the top talent because they are doing exciting stuff. It's like an alternative to the Lockheed Skunkworks - young engineers get motivated by the prospect of working on really cool shit.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Speaking of Boeing

"The inspector general said, however, that NASA decided not to introduce any kind of financial discipline."

Why would they change then, if there is no penalty. Double the budget, 6 years (at least, since that's a projected 2027 date now) late, no biggie. It's not as if NASA is going to cancel that contract (along with Starliner) nor prevent Boeing from submitting bids for whatever comes next...
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<Silver Donator>
Prince said from the grave that Betelgeuse hath already blown up, that's what is actually why there is so much black on black crime, CME activity has no current effect we can tell. Seems like the culture and parents might have nothing to do with Betelgeuse, it is just weird!
dave chappelle prince GIF
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