Pretty good write up on the Elysian sale. Specifically interesting to me that it wasn't a unanimous decision by their board to sell and specifically Dick Cantwell was opposed to it. Cantwell has not only been the public face of Elysian but is also president of the Washington Brewers Guild and author of the Brewers Association's Guide to Starting a Brewery. He is pretty deep into the craft beer political scene and has been very critical of 'corporate beer' so it should be interesting to see if he sticks with Elysian or moves on and if he loses credibility amongst his peers (justly or unjustly).
Addressing the Elysian Brewing situation | Seattle, Washington, Pacific Northwest
Also the author seems to agree with me in that InBev appears to be purchasing these breweries is an attempt to gain market share back and lock up the entry level craft beer drinkers into their brands while starving out some independents in the process by using their economies of scale to undercut the competition. When chain restaurants, stadiums, etc. are offered the choice of a buying a keg of Stone IPA for $150 or Elysian Immortal IPA for $75 many places are going to say "an IPA is an IPA" and take the cheaper option (those are actual prices I saw at my restaurant except sub in Goose Island for Elysian).