The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Trakanon Raider
Posted on Neogaff, probably nothing but...



A Mod Real Quick
I'm curious if they just got a bad batch of parts or if this is a design flaw or manufacturing problem. I'm really hoping it was just a bad batch of parts since it seems the majority are Amazon orders. I also don't understand how people can actually fucking defend this saying oh it's normal. Fucking console fanbois.
I would be willing to bet it's a bad batch of parts. This is slightly anecdotal, but this happened at work this month. We have these braces that we secure servers into a rack with by screws. Manufacturing got the parts, screwed them in, and then we were seeing servers fall down and break. The result was a few batch of screws were only engaging 1.5 turns of the screw and weren't being torqued correctly anyways. It was a tiny screw that cost a few cents and causing multi-million dollar losses potentially. We caught it in manufacturing because we were failing certain tests on the way out. Sony's failure here may be due to a bad batch of HDMI ports and it may not fail right off the bat, so that's why they aren't seeing it.

This is just my educated guess. We won't really know until the damage has been done and they issue some recall or something.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm curious if they just got a bad batch of parts or if this is a design flaw or manufacturing problem. I'm really hoping it was just a bad batch of parts since it seems the majority are Amazon orders. I also don't understand how people can actually fucking defend this saying oh it's normal. Fucking console fanbois.
Single packages are going to be a ton more prone to shipping mishandling (i.e. throwing) than other stuff - I'd imagine that Amazon orders likely have a certain number of failures from mishandling above and beyond production issues.

Hell, when I was getting my Kindle (which mental note - I still need to figure out where I lost it in the house...) I had a cracked screen AFTER shipping twice - first time may have been production maybe (although they quoted their test protocol includes that obvious test), but second time unless the guy was kiting me along and sliced open the seal on the unit he sent me he checked the unit and set it up for shipping while I was still on the phone and it still got a broken screen en route. Coincidence or not, I stopped getting DHL for my Amazon orders after that... but literally took me three Kindles before I got one without a cracked screen through shipping...

And I don't think screens crack easy on shipping do they?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Good post Vac. The point I would make is that they are already throwing out low ball numbers and according to what we have see thus far, denying its an issue. Although I will freely admit that they may be waiting for all the facts. They also could be playing crowd control because of a competing product launching in six days and it may bolster Microsofts sales. Either or, my one experience with Sony when I needed support was shitty. An old 50 something inch rear projector TV that had notorious green hue issues that they denied were happening for months until they finally came clean when they knew it was a faulty pcb issue all along.
Damage control isn't an impossible theory - and with a competing release (in a light competition field) just days behind would make damage control for a few days seem more likely - but that's kind of my point, we need to see all these units actually start getting plugged in and used. Hell, probably 20-30% aren't even going to be hooked up until Xmas from parents P/O'ing for their kids.

Maybe they will suck, maybe they won't - far too early to judge.

And my experience with Sony support on their PS hardware has always been top notch - free repairs even after I busted a seal trying to fix it myself from my cat punting a unit off a dresser. Invalid warranty would've been something I couldn't have fought against, but they didn't make me do it. Just said, "Ok, new unit on the way once we get yours back - or you can prepay and we'll refund when we get the busted one back" (we had the wife's so I just went with the former)


FPS noob
best buy is offering $100 on old 360 and ps3's and 100% bonus credit on some(?) games, i think I still have a 360 somewhere might trade that shit in and buy a 3ds XL, which can sit unused and be traded in for a sex doll in 5 years

haha i found some of my 360 games I have shit like madden 08 and crackdown, BB is offering me 25 cents for each, LOL


Golden Knight of the Realm
My PS4 works but I haven't been able to play around much with it because PSN is a pile of shit. I skipped the 360/PS3 so I'm not real familiar with the Online networks, are they standard MMO fare where it will suck ass for a week then even out?

My games don't get here until next week (tried multiple Targets, none of them had the 3 I wanted so it's wait and see with Amazon and their Monday-Friday estimate, wtf?) and the only free one I've been able to actually download is Resogun. All the rest time out or some shit. For a free game Resogun is pretty nice and graphically it has a sharpness like a PC game that I've never really felt while playing a game on a console.

Also, mine doesn't wobble. I'm a little concerned about the HDMI shit though, because last night when I was waiting for POS PSN to work I flipped back to HDMI1 to watch some TV and my display was glitching out. Unplugging the PS4's HDMI cable stopped it and I haven't had the issue reoccur since, but I kinda wouldn't be disappointed to have this happen.

Does anyone else sort of hope their PS4 bricks so they get a new fixed one rather than holding onto something that might brick much later?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No PS4 for me until Monday. RRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGEEEEE. I feel bad for the lady at newegg that answered my call, but fuck that company. I will never buy from them again.

Their excuse for not shipping on Thursday was, "There was a fire on the freeway." I was being civil, but when she said that I total lost my shit.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Newegg is awful. Tiger Direct has better prices and better customer service. I quit ordering from newegg because they charge for rushed orders and shit that amazon and tiger direct will never do. Fuck them. Seriously. Dunno where their good reputation comes from, but they're awful.


Silver Squire
I have a slight wobble.

No hdmi issues as of yet

No psn issues but I only downloaded the 1.5GBP or so of patches for two games plus the original update. No issues so far with downloading patches and playing games side by side. Fuck trying to download 40+gb files release day.

I don't like the speaker on the controller and I hope future games allow you to disable that.

Otherwise controller is excellent.

System is also running extremely well. I'm glad I bought it.

Only one other person I know is having issues and it's only with his $300 head set that isn't working.

Hope those of you with issues get it resolved asap


I haven't played any of the other stuff yet, but my initial impression of everything is pretty positive. I'm not really big on the bright-ass LED light on the controller. It's distracting and annoying when I was playing Killzone in my living room with the lights all off. There should be an option to shut it off if your'e not using the camera motion sensor.
You shouldn't be playing with all the lights off, bad for your eyes. Get a backlight for your TV, they are amazing and cheap. I've got an LED strip that runs across the back of mine and now have 0 eyestrain.


Anyone with HDMI issues see this? Looks like if this is your problem, your HDMI cable is busted, but Id prefer a busted cable than a busted PS4.

As it turns out, a piece of metal in the HDMI port that should have been flush with the bottom of the port was sticking up. This prevented the HDMI cord from being plugged in all the way and damaged each of the cords (in identical fashion) that had been plugged in. The solution was to, simply enough, press the piece of metal down so that it was no longer in the way. With that done, the system now works as it should.

Inspect your HDMI ports: IGN


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Newegg is awful. Tiger Direct has better prices and better customer service. I quit ordering from newegg because they charge for rushed orders and shit that amazon and tiger direct will never do. Fuck them. Seriously. Dunno where their good reputation comes from, but they're awful.
I have never had a problem before but I have never been in a rush to receive my orders as I am typically ordering several computer parts over the course of a month, waiting for good deals. This is the first time I wanted something timely and ya. Only reason I ordered from Newegg was the no state tax thing, whereas Amazon has to charge tax in Texas. I won't make that mistake again.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
"Working on the issue" can mean alot of things though - don't jump the gun. They might have determined that they want to make sure they don't ship out defective units and are just running testing cycles on all the rest rather than letting them into the wild first as far as we know.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That might also be fake. Not only is the grammar awful in what is typically a pre-written response, but why would a lowly chat person at Amazon know Sony has ceased production?


Vyemm Raider
Holy shit.
"Welcome to customer service. Nobody tells me anything because I'm at the bottom of the corporate ladder, so here's something I'll say to expedite the call and fulfill my quota for the day."

I'm skeptical but I'm not ruling it out either.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Well, to be devil's advocate, that sounds like an Indian name so her grammar probably isn't 100% perfect all the time. Secondly, if there was an issue and Sony did tell Amazon to hold orders, that would likely be communicated to CS.

However, definite possibility of being fake or a know-nothing bullshit response.

Also, the fact that we didn't get to see the reply to the last question doesn't help.


Silver Squire
That might also be fake. Not only is the grammar awful in what is typically a pre-written response, but why would a lowly chat person at Amazon know Sony has ceased production?
Sounded to me like the rep was given an easy way to end the conversation while moving blame to a third party and only had to agree with what was originally said by the customer.