<Gold Donor>
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Power levels were all over the place this season... One could say that Maeve was fighting the fight of her life, like at the best she could ever be... and homelander was confused and not quite there.I think Homelander is kind of "blown up" by Vought and people in everyone's minds. I'm trying to think back and was there any point, until the 3v1 where Homelander was uncontested but some one actually TRIED to fuck him up? It's always been "oh shit, he has lazer eyes AND can fly! No way I can fight that!" I think he's strong, but not as strong as all the PR and Vought babysitters would have him to believe. Maeve was said to have been training for months while she told everyone she wasn't specifically to fight Homelander at some point. I don't think their strength levels are that much different, just maybe Homelanders durability (and maybe not? Dude got fucking strawed). Basically flying/eye lazering are all Homelander seems to REALLY have over any other tough supe 1v1. Maeve was basically Black Noir without the ninja theme and maybe higher strength.
Since Vought specifically made everyone, good or bad, with V it makes sense that there'd be basically 0 people able to show up Homelander when everyone is told he's a living God. Outside of clashes in the last season and this season, no one has fought the dude. He just comes in and kills humans or ambushes supes he wants dead.
There's also this underline story that he is disappointed in his team... and Maeve is like the greatest bastion of just that, maybe he was feeling a lot of it in that moment.
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