I really have no idea, but I was never able to get into RIFTS. I've primarily stuck to D&D. Though I also played a bit of Shadowrun, a little Vampire/Werewolf, a smidge of GURPS, and a handful of games with an old Marvel Heroes RPG that I can't even name.
I'm really just a one trick pony when it comes to RPGs. I know a shit ton about each edition of D&D, but beyond basic awareness I can't speak about other systems. Pathfinder is the only exception as it's derivative. Even then, I know jack shit about Golarion lore as my knowledge only covers the system mechanics. The faggoty art direction and hyper-aggressive progressivism of Paizo are more than enough to keep me from ever switching over. The ONLY reason I keep playing D&D is because it's the brand I fell in love with as a boy (before it lost its collective mind) and I have more pre-woke, quality material than I could use in three lifetimes.
Yeah I guess it wasn't necessarily a super serious question, just kind of joking about what games might not be gay. Apart from DND, RIFTS was my very first tabletop. Guess the only other one I ever played for a good long while was MERP.
Ended up getting the main guide, the vampire kingdoms books, and maybe the first source book with the Archie stuff for my birthday one year when I was maybe 11 or 12, maybe younger, I don't know.
The local comic book store in my buddies and I used to go to carried a bunch of them, and my mom was completely on board with them. Have to use your imagination, math, problem solving / critical thinking, writing, and all kinds of other useful skills like teamwork, tabletop RPGs are one of the best things a kid could probably do.
I think the game just got off the ground around that time, and typically want a new book would come out, I'd either buy it or if I didn't have car Wash money, she typically pick it up for me, or I get more for Christmas and stuff.
It's just a pretty serious game as far as setting goes, and if I had the bank on one particular table top creation not going gay, my money is on RIFTS. I think they were kind of an indie studio too, it's just too bad there's system was a bit clunky, but I do wonder whether or not they ever revised it and streamlined it more.
It's just such a cool concept, and I don't have any of those books anymore, which I kind of kicked myself for, but I have downloaded the PDF some for fun and just read through. I'd love to actually get a campaign up and running, but trying to do it digitally with my buddies, I'm not sure there's actually a platform that would be conducive to that happening. I could be completely wrong though.