My one complaint about the show is that they keep adding random shit in and changing book events. I can't stand it when shows/movies do this. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the producers/directors have time/money constraints and have to cut certain things out. Sometimes they even need to combine characters or summarize events to simply very complex situations. I don't like those things, but I understand them. What I donotunderstand is when some asswipe studio exec or aspiring screen writer decides thattheyknow better than the author of the books how the story should unfold and adds random shit in just to "spice things up."
I know I'm showing my nerd on this one, but they did that shit in LoTR Two Towers at the battle of Helms Deep. First, they cut out a bunch of important stuff which, like I said, I understand. But then they randomly have Haldir show up with a couple hundred elven archers that never happened in the book-- just to die almost immediately and unceremoniously as if to say "I know those guys weren't supposed to be there, so we'll just go ahead and kill them off like the mistake they were."