the entire plot revolves around Julie, being contaminated, and then taking her ship back to a heavily populated spacestation, mingling, and seeking no real help..
She SAW how infectious, and fatale the shit was.
1) She didn't know what this is (and she touches the stuff with a "what this shit?" face). Her reflex is "it's consumed everyone" as if it attacked and ate literally the Anubis crew.
2) So she doesn't know it's contagious. And that her cough is symptoms. Not until she's in that hotel room, and starts throwing up brown goo, and she's "ohhh shit".
3) She's still waiting for the OPA to make contact. It's a bioweapon. You don't give a bioweapon to everyone; only to your boss.
So basically, she hopes she's going to finish the mission. And dies.
Then of course, everyone in charge is super clandestine, and apparently is in cahoots, and knows about the biohazard..
And it was set up episodes ago. The Anubis was headed to Eros to deliver the protomolecule (what do you think is in that chest they grabbed from the Anubis, hmmm?). The gangs on Ceres had all but disappeared, recruited to get Eros in lockdown for the experiment. It just got delayed because the Anubis was intercepted, and thing went south unexpectedly.
Ship explodes. Granted, we have a gods eye view. but, protags should be plenty fucking paranoid at this point, that a ship exploding in a hanger bay, is entirely too coincidental, 3 hours after they find the bioagent on the space station.
Yep. And guess what? The first thing Miller says "it was planned". Holden: "how could they know a ship was... oh, they blew it themselves".
Side note: in the books, a transmission is intercepted by Johnson on Tycho about "samples recovered, moving to phase 3" Holden: "what's phase 3?" Miller: "Maybe nothing" alarm blares "Or maybe this".
Merc Crews giving out SHOTS, after they both find bioagent conspiracy,
Note that the crew doesn't see the Eros citizens being injected and shoved in shelters; we do.