The First Descendant


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This Invasion content is ... not good.
Agreed. Between the shitty, unfun invasions and the way they handled time-gating on Hailey (especially the "hotfix" that did absolutely fuck-all to solve the problem even though their original statement said both dungeons AND invasion drops would be buffed) I just log in long enough to do the 4 invasions and then 1 Magister's and 2 Executioners to complete the rest of the event dailies. If I get a catalyst BP, I start it crafting, otherwise I'm done for the day because this season has killed it for me. No desire to grind out inversion stuff, since all the nodes are trash compared to the first four I unlocked.

Hailey reactors are dropping now (in Frozen Valley, which is best/only good spot in Fortress, so it's actually a good farm) and I still don't feel like bothering with that either.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
They appear to have dialed the faggotry up to 11 on today's memory puzzles. Normally you can solve it with 1 or 2 symbols known, but today I've been blown up 4 times when I knew 3 of the 4 symbols. Can't wait for the hotfix tomorrow. The content being mildly challenging for a few days was ok, but now I'm just sick of this shit and want it done as fast as possible so I can get Hailey and never do it again unless I'm absolutely desperate for gold.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Inversion Reinforcement - no drawbacks now (except for the +MP one and Arche Pacemaker, for whatever reason) but still about 80% useless trash. There still isn't even 3 worth using while doing random missions out in the world. I guess you could use the purple ones, but I can't be bothered looking up the enemy types every time I change zones.

Invasions - Slightly easier I guess? I had 3+ minutes remaining on the Legion of Immortality ones, and something like 30-40 seconds left on the Darkness ones (pain in the ass because of the +1 bullet usage on Enduring Legacy which caused me to have to break the shield twice each time). Bosses still seemed to do quite a lot of damage, so I don't think undergeared people are going to find it a whole lot easier. Memory puzzles are still gay, but at least it's less of a hassle now. Sounds like most of the changes were for the Truth one, which is good since those were the really shit missions.

Hailey drops - So now it's 5 per gold... why the fuck not just double it instead of picking a number that doesn't divide evenly into 36? Currently at 36/20/21/31, so I guess tomorrow is when getting screwed by RNGesus begins. I'll probably end up with 70 of the first one since it would have been the easiest to farm outside of invasions (Magister's Lab drop).

Edit: Yep, exactly as expected from this retarded RNG system:

2/4 invasions just wasted today and instead of being 15 parts away from complete I'm still stuck at 25.

Order of Truth missions are so trivially easy now that they might as well just give you the loot in Albion and save the loading screens and 3 minutes of running. Chapel had literally no enemies in it at all besides 2 or 3 that spawned partway into the boss fight. Mystery's End had a few, but you kill them once while running around checking the symbols and no more spawn. Which I guess will be bad for some people when they get to the boss since there's no ammo pickups and no HP orbs.

All in all, still a pretty awful season. Not enough to make me stop playing entirely, but if the Oct. 10 stuff is just as bad as the first round then I don't see the point in continuing.
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Trakanon Raider
Had some interesting luck yesterday while combining modules. I managed to get two shield collectors and a shot focus all in one session, which I needed. I wish I had counted how many I did because it had to be only 20-30 after doing 100+ over time. Now if I could get the fire immunity one. I can't get that thing to drop between Biolab runs and combines.

I also have Hailey in the cooker now. Still working on getting ultimate viessa to round out my elements. (not counting Hailey)

I found this video interesting and I plan on trying it. I need to build the gun since I still don't have the snipers to go along with Hailey either.