Why is everyone sure Eddie's a villain now? Did i miss something?HopefullyThawneand Grodd will be dark enough to maintain a good balance. The whole tone of the show at the moment works very well but they really shouldn't go too zany.
I think they mean Eobard Thawne aka Harrison Wells, the Reverse Flash, not Eddie.Why is everyone sure Eddie's a villain now? Did i miss something?
They dropped an "anger issues" on him in punching Barry.Why is everyone sure Eddie's a villain now? Did i miss something?
I'm going more with the Grodd theory with that.There is footage of Eddie gunning down two cops, I believe from the Paleyfest trailer. The speculation was that he was being controlled by Grodd, since there were a few Grodd teases in that trailer, including Joe coming face to face with him, but he could also be some kind of secret villain.
Click spoiler at own risk
Well gtfo of the thread if you don't want to be spoiled to hell and gone.i'm still about 3 episodes behind
Oh, well your theory is wrong then.OH I don't care about spoilers. the only reason why i started watching the show was because of the spoilers and reading this thread about the show.
Or maybe Barry just didn't have the hotel staff keep the kitchen open late enough for him...i am saying eddie is a nutjob because he punched barry in the face without talking to him, without thinking that maybe barry's guardian/and eddie's partner might get a little pissed, or that he was committing an assault that could lose him his job. all for what? because barry told iris he loves her? dude is crazy levels of jealous of barry.
Punching a guy who repeatedly tries to steal your girlfriend is pretty far from "nutjob" and is an appropriate level of jealous.i am saying eddie is a nutjob because he punched barry in the face without talking to him, without thinking that maybe barry's guardian/and eddie's partner might get a little pissed, or that he was committing an assault that could lose him his job. all for what? because barry told iris he loves her? dude is crazy levels of jealous of barry.
It's not some random guy asking her out, it's someone who's a friend. If one of your friends is repeatedly trying to get with your girlfriend and even upsets her a lot in the process, you have to confront the guy if you have any balls at all.repeatedly? afaik he only told iris his feelings twice. i dunno what the appropriate time to punch first and ask questions later is, but just somebody asking my girl out doesnt warrant stick time. i mean shes a pretty girl and its expected that other guys will be asking her out, some may do it twice. now if he got all grabby, then its game on. but talk is cheap, or words are wind. nothing to get all pissy over unless you have some deep levels of insecurity and jealousy of somebody hijacking a bitch right from under you like eddie obviously is. when they had their little double date at the bowling alley both eddie and linda park saw how flirty iris was with barry, dude knows iris likes him and its eating him up.
is it repeatedly or was it twice? because in my head repeatedly means almost every time he sees her. and a confrontation does not have to include a beating. its totally acceptable to go up to the dude and say something like, "what up brah? why do you keep asking my girl out brah, she's my girl, brah and you know it. if you ask her again i am kicking your ass brah!" and then you pop your collar up and walk off to drink your mocha latte.as i said, to run in there like that and attack the guy, its a sign you have some deep down issues.It's not some random guy asking her out, it's someone who's a friend. If one of your friends is repeatedly trying to get with your girlfriend and even upsets her a lot in the process, you have to confront the guy if you have any balls at all.