The Flash


Mr. Poopybutthole
Barry IS the speedforce. Wally had an advantage for a while since they invented the speedforce after Barry died, but they're pretty much on par now



I enjoyed the episode, I don't mind the non-superhero stuff happening in the background, after all Spiderman is successful as he has a good story/background behind him. As long as it does not turn into days of our lives ... They just need to keep a balance.

I do hope the character that appear at the end (are we not spoilering ?) does make a return, and is not disposed of like a used tissue. I do understand that it does cost $$$$ for that animation though.


yeah well hopefully they have it that he ran/swam away and they can blow the budget again next year.

I really was surprised at the level of special effects in that episode though.


it keeps a lot of the cringe worthy stuff especially everything related to Iris and it takes some time until they get away from the villain-of-the-week themes but if you can live with that then keep watching, its certainly the best Superhero series out there and it builds up a really great villain over the course of the 1.season
So I finally finished season one for the sake of the Arrow tie ins and have to say Dr Wells carried the entire show from beginning to end (minus the too brief Mark Hamil cameo). Maybe it's just because I enjoyed Scrubs in college, but honestly felt he was the only character that had decent lines the entire season. I've never touched a DC comic outside of my dad's hand me down issue 1s, but surely the writing isn't that atrocious.

How can you have such a high profile show where the response to threats on your city, family, friends, and your life is: "Stopping him means I can get my dad out of prison" 9/10 times.

Visuals were great, casting seemed good, but my god someone please get a new writing department.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Rofl at calling him Crisco. Sarcastic Wells was awesome. Joe just unloading on Wells was stupid to me

Best episode of the season, Tom Cavanagh is the best thing on this show maybe


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I get the Feeling Zoom is going to be Barry's dad from Earth 2 or Eddie. Also enjoyed the reference to aquaman.

I know that Jay is the weakest of the 4 flash's but I still hate hearing them mention how weak he is compared to Barry, Jay is a badass


LOL...."Our doctor Wells may have been evil, but you're just a dick."
Yeah that was funny, also Hawk Woman working at the Coffee shop.

I can't believe they let us know already that Wells will be working against Barry because Zoom has his daughter hostage.

I still think my theory of Zoom being the Black Racer may come to pass. He makes a very snarky remark at the end of the episode about it, and it just fits his MO.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
How do we know he is working against Barry ? Yeah he sent him to do whatever but Wells is trying to prep Barry because he knows thats the only way to end Zoom most likely


How do we know he is working against Barry ? Yeah he sent him to do whatever but Wells is trying to prep Barry because he knows thats the only way to end Zoom most likely
We know it because that is what Zoom has done the whole season. Uses something against you to get you to do what he wants.

He could just kill Wells otherwise.

Wells eventually turning against Zoom is a given. This is still pretty low brow writing across the board.

To me as an audience they could have tricked us a little bit throughout the season, not show it the very first episode Wells came back. We would have had no idea that Zoom was keeping his daughter hostage unless they revealed that tonight.

The things we do not know is who is Zoom exactly? Did Wells really create Zoom like Jay think he did, and what is Zooms end game.

If we look at his wiki, we see the Black Racer is heavily involved with crisis, and tied with Barry Allen. They merge at one point to become the God Flash. We also know at some point there may be a crisis on infinite earths, so imo this is way more complicated then Zoom just wanting to kill Barry Allen.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Wells is the one focusing on getting DR Light to fight zoom so why would he be doing that if she is working with Zoom and supposed to kill flash? Seems pretty obvious he not following Zooms orders


Wells is the one focusing on getting DR Light to fight zoom so why would he be doing that if she is working with Zoom and supposed to kill flash? Seems pretty obvious he not following Zooms orders
There were many sinister dramatic shots of Well's looking at the group through the show on purpose, as well as that reveal at the end.

Doctor Light being in the show is just another part of setting up Legends. That character as well as Hawk Woman will appear in that show.

Wells wouldn't be dumb enough to think such a simple plan could stop such a God Like being especially when his daughter's life is on the line.


Since when has Dr been mentioned about being on Legends of tomorrow ?
The rumors are some version of Doctor light will be a villain in that new show as part of Vandal Savage's group. Could it be a completely different version, and this female doctor light dies next episode? Maybe.

If you look at Arrow, and Flash together. The whole first section of their episodes are all Legends related.


Millie's Staff Member
column you are reading too much into it at this point. things can go either way right now, let things unfold some more before you commit to a theory. i think its entirely possible you are right, but wells might change his mind once he gets to know barry, he already saved his life a few times. it may be because he needs to be the one who kills barry in order to get his daughter back, but we shall see.

when garrick said his best friend was from atlantis, did he mean Aquaman?
great fucking episode, damn that linda park is hot as fuck as dr Light. so happy dr wells is back, the show wouldnt be the same without him.